
Friday, January 13, 2012

Discussion 2

Dr. King told the parents, "Don't worry about your children. They are going to be all right. Don't hold them back if they want to go to jail for they are doing a job for all of America and for all mankind." What job was he talking about? Why was the kids role important for the Civil Rights Movement?


Anonymous said...


What she meant was that people were afraid that kids were going to get hurt.But if they didn't do anything they would get hurt , no rights for African Americans and police would beat them too.The outcome of the children actions were very successful.They marched for 8 days and the police were out numbered.They started spraying kids down with fire hoses.Everybody went down,except for 10 brave kids.They stayed up and sang “Freedom” over and over.The kids had made them pass the segregation rights.People have been trying to pass the rights for years,it took many brave kids 8 days.

Anonymous said...


The job the kids where doing was filling up the prisons so nobody else can go in there. so when they would do it again the cops would have to give up. so they cops would have to let Marten Luther King talk to people for equal rights for the blacks. The kids role was important for the Civil Rights Movement because the kids where the ones who stood up and said they would go to jail for the blacks. But none of their parents agreed with it so all the kids went out from their schools and the teachers turned around for them. then more and more black kids came out and march to their church.

Anonymous said...

#323 Dr.King told the parents not to worry about their children,that they were doing a job for all of America,and all man kind.The job that the children were doing was helping to fight for black freedom.They wanted to be treated like equals.The children’s role was important in the Civil Rights movement,because Dr.King and the children were the only ones to stand up for civil rights.The adults didn’t stand up.The adults couldn’t risk losing their jobs,their houses,or their cars.They had a family to support,and it was already hard enough supporting a family.The kids that marched,are the reason that we are treated like equals today.The children’s role in the march was important to everyone.They were brave kids!

Anonymous said...

Martin Luther King Jr. was talking about the job of ending segregation. In his eyes, ending segregation was a job. He wanted the parents to let there children go to jail because the adult African American community was scared of going to jail. They were scared because they might have lost their jobs, cars and even houses. The kids role was very important. Without the kids, the jail wouldn’t have been filled and the march wouldn’t have happened. There were many reasons why the Civil Rights Movement was passed. I think one reason was because President John F. Kennedy was shocked by the way the kids were being brutally attacked with water, dogs and night sticks. But all in all the kids role was very important. Without the kids, there would’ve never been a march and, for all we know, the Civil Rights Movement might not have been passed and African Americans could still be discriminated against today.

Anonymous said...

# 317

My choice for the journal was when MLK said to all the parents don’t hold your kids back let them go to jail if they want don’t be worried about them they’ll be okay but what they didn't know Martin Luther king had a plan to put an end to racism by needing every ones help even the kids. The reason why is he used the kids were that he knew that no one would hurt them

so every African American kid lined up to go to jail so that the Governor wouldn't know what to do and it would be the end of racism. Only one thing on the day of the march all black people and kids were all ready to march through town but MLK did not suspect that the Governor was just standing their and beside him was a row of fire man holding fire hoses but even with that they kept walking forward so he said aim for the heads after all that they got the police dogs out and said attack but even with all that going on the african americans kept fighting back. After all that happend the president said live on tv to put a stop with the racism to treat each other with respect so in a way it worked but at the they were victorious and put an end to it all.

Anonymous said...

TO #331
I think you talk to much about kids and what they do. why did the teachers let the kids go.

Anonymous said...

*~307~* to 321
It's cool how you said that the adult community had been trying to pass the rights for years, but it only took some brave kids 8 days to do it. That just shows that, with a little elbow grease, even the most unexpected of a group, can make an epic change in a community. It just makes me wonder what kids today can accomplish. Nice blog!!!

Anonymous said...

You talk a lot about what the kids did.
Why did the teachers let the kids go? And were the kids the only ones to stand up???

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with you.I do believe that John F. Kenedy was shocked.Those kids were really brave to march.

Anonymous said...

*~307~* to 323
They were very brave kids!!! The way that they understood the concequences of their actions and still proceeded with their plan was epic. Nice Blog!!!

Anonymous said...


When Dr.King said don’t worry about your children. They are going to be all right don’t hold them back if they want to go to jail for they are doing a job for all of America and and for all mankind. He was talking about let the kids go to jail and show them that they are not scared and that they wanted equal rights and they shouldnt get treated different just because the color of there skin. They are all people they should not get judged just because they look different a black men should get treated the same as a white man that is why mlk said let the kid march and don’t worry about them they will be ok. He also said let them go to jail because they wanted freedom and equal right. That is why Dr.king said don’t worry about your children. They are going to be all right. Don’t hold them back if they want to go to jail for they are doing a job for all america and for all mankind.

Anonymous said...


Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the main people in the civil rights movement. He was the man that led many more people including the children to do amazing things. When he said that he was meaning that he knew children would make the United States integrated. He saw that many other tactics were not working out. So Dr. King figured that something totally different would alter the playing field. The kids role was very important to the civil rights movement because almost nobody could stand seeing them getting washed away by high pressured water, getting soaked by rain, and even getting bit by large police dogs. The Birmingham prison was full of happy colored children. One boy was only four years old. When questioned, he replied “I’m here for freedom.” The schools were empty. Once the Children's March was on, it only took eight days for the decision to be made. 72 hours of negotiations went on before integration. After this minor bombings occurred, even assassinations were made. But today we all thank what people went through to make this happen.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you because that's what helped win the civil rights war. It was what pushed the movement forward to win.

Anonymous said...

To: 317
From: 520

Agree with you, because the governor didn't know what to do when people were happy to go to jail.

Anonymous said...


The job Dr. King was talking about is that all the black kids were going to jail. they were going there until they couldn't fit anymore people. But then they started to fill up the yards. But the kids were braved and went through the rain and mud when they were in the yard. The kids role was so important because in just 9 days they made Birmingham desegregate. Their role was huge because none of the adults were brave enough to fill the jails and if it was not for the kids the Civil rights act wouldn’t have happened.

Anonymous said...

Discussion # 2
Dr.King told the parents, “Don’t worry about your children.They are going to be alright. Don’t hold them back if they want to go to jail for they are doing a job for all of America and for all mankind.” What job was he talking about? Why was the kids role important for the Civil Rights Movement?
I think that Dr.King was talking about their job being to participate in the march to end segregation.The kids role was important because they were the only ones who would stand up against the white people but more importantly they could make a difference because you can’t hurt innocent children can you whether they are black or white. The fact that children were involved did its job and got the attention of the white house because children have opinions that matter in this situation .The color of your skin should not matter what.

Anonymous said...

From- $$506$$
To- #311

I completely agree with you all people should be treated the same even if their not their own color it doesn't matter its just a color

Anonymous said...

When Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Don't worry about your children. They are going to be all right. Don't hold them back if they want to go to jail for they are doing a job for all of America and for all mankind,” he was saying that those kids were making a change for everyone. Even though the parents were worried, they knew if those kids were to succeed, then everyone would have equal rights like they should have. Bill Connor was in charge if keeping the streets safe and he injured a lot of people. Black kids were going to jail by the hundreds and then the thousands. Police filled loads of school buses and they couldn’t take it any more. If the parents would have held back the children, then today Birmingham would have been still segregated. In total, over 7000 young people have been arrested. Even though there was dogs and hoses and police brutality, they made a change. May 10th, Alabama was integrated after eight days.

Anonymous said...

From- $$506$$
To- #323

I agree with you those lil kids were so brave to go to jail! I don't blame the parents for not volunteering because what if something happened to them, then their kids would be all alone in the world.

Anonymous said...


When Dr. King told the parents, “Don’t worry about your children. They are going to be all right. Don’t hold them back if they want to go to jail for they are doing a job for all of America and for all mankind, “ the job that he was talking about was when they were protesting. They all volunteered to protest against the white people for freedom. The reason why the kids did it instead of the parents is because the kids really wanted freedom. It’s also because the parents didn’t want to leave the kids alone by themselves. They protested for days as they got jailed but it caused them to get freedom which is what they have all been wanting and waiting for. The kids role was important for the Civil Rights Movement because if it wasn’t for them, the African American people wouldn’t have freedom today. If they hadn’t done that for America, we would still be living with whites and blacks separate like back then. Since the kids protested, they gave all African American people a whole lot of happiness and freedom. Also, the kids decided to volunteer themselves because they knew that the whites would have a harder time abusing/hurting them than if they were the adults. The kids were non-stop protesting even if they went to jail and they also kept on singing which because of that, they got freedom. In conclusion, I just told you what job Dr. King was talking about and why the kids role was important to the Civil Rights Movement.

Anonymous said...

To 506
From 540
The kids and President Kennedy made it all happen. And its pretty crazy how such a huge number of kids can make such a big impact in all of the country!

Anonymous said...

To: #520
From: #502
I agree with you, MLK did do amazing things. He gave black people freedom. He gave really good speeches.

Anonymous said...

423 I think that Dr. King was talking about was let your kids fill up the jail cells the whole jail yard so there would be nowhere for the cops to put the rest of the people. The kids role during the Civil Rights movement was important because if the kids never filled up the jail then segregation would probably still be happening. That is probably why he told them not to worry about their children they are going to be fine.

Anonymous said...


In the words that Dr. King said, “ Do not worry about your children. They are going to be all right. Don’t hold them back if they want to go to jail for they are doing a job for all of America and for all mankind”. He spoke this with the hope that one day children will be holding hands with all colored people no matter what color they are. This dream came true because the African American children stood up for the right to have equality and freedom. The “job” was those give freedom to everybody. I personally do not believe it was a job. I think it was much more than that. So powerful it changed history itself. If it wasn’t for the kids, maybe there would still be segregation. The kids were important for the Civil Rights Movement because they where like the secret weapon. The parents wouldn’t volunteer themselves because they didn’t want to leave their children alone. No one thought that the kids would stand against them. They were wrong. They did stand up and fought. We the kids can still make a difference in America. So everyday think that if we all join together we can change the world.

Anonymous said...


Dr. King was talking about the job to fight for their freedom. So there would be no separation of the blacks and whites and they would all be equal together. The kids role was important for the Civil Rights Movement because the parents didn’t want to volunteer to go to jail, so all the kids volunteered. They got out of class at 11 AM on May 2, 1963 and went to the Baptist Church and then marched down the street. Then they all got blasted by water hoses, attacked by dogs and arrested for marching down the street, peacefully. They all wanted to be put in jail so they could fight for their freedom. Every kid went to jail like their plan. There were so many kids in jail, that the rest had to be put outside in the courtyard, because there was no more room. May 10,1963, the kids got out of jail and marched for victory because they won their freedom. 548

Anonymous said...


I think your paragraph is really good.The way you wrote that paragraph makes you truely grasp the severety of all the abuse the ones who gave us the freedom we have to day to be able to join hands with the african americans that were treated so bad went through to give us it.I really think in your paragraph the part of "even assassinations were made." shows how bad it was bak when segregation was being ended.

Anonymous said...

To: #506
From: #502
I agree with you because that is what Dr. King was talking about. They did get freedom. Also, Their role was huge because it gave them freedom.

Anonymous said...

to: #323
I agree!!!!! I think the parents wanted to go. They just could not do it because of the children. Those are some tough children going through all of that.

Anonymous said...

To: #502
From: 517˚

That was beautiful. If the children wouldn't have protest, then everybody would separated. It did seem that the children wanted freedom more then the adults. It's cool that it took days to change than years.

Anonymous said...

To: #517
From: #502
I Agree That was true. MLK gave freedom. Mlk did a lot for America.

Anonymous said...

The kids’ job that Dr.King was talking about was that they were going to jail themselves to stop segregation. The children’s role was important because if the children had not done anything segregation might still be in the U.S. today.

Anonymous said...

The job that Dr.King was talking about was the job that the kids were doing to obtain the same equal rights the White people had. Another explanation of what Dr.King was talking about was that if the kids wanted to help let them be. The reason Dr.King said that was because the greater the number the stronger and louder.Next, kids were an important role in the Civil Rights Movement because, just plain and simply they were kids!That takes a lot of courage, bravery and faith to be involved in such a dangerous moment.Also, kids were an important role in the Civil Right Movement because they were such a great number of kids of kids.They never gave up and just looked at the future.A good, peaceful and equal future for the white people and the white people.That was my opinion on this topic that I chose.

Anonymous said...

708: Topic 2: Dr. King told the parents, “ Don’t worry about your children. They are going to be
alright. Don’t hold them back if they want to go to jail for they are doing a job for all of mankind.” What job was he talking about? Why was the kids role so important for the civil rights movement?

The kids role was so important because they were almost the only ones who would go and protest. When the children all went to jail, instead of being scared and miserable, they sang the whole time. Sometimes, even in the middle of the night, random kids would be released from jail. The job Martin Luther King was talking about was the kids doing a conveneince to mankind . They worked hard for the freedom of colored people. Also for the freedom of everybody. Without the kids, I’m sure everybody would still be racist today. That’s why the kids role was so important in the civil rights movement. It’s amazing how the kids were not scared throughout this whole thing. Especialy going to jail.

Anonymous said...

What Dr.King meant by the job for all mankind was that the kids were going to end segregation for all mankind. By going to jail the kid’s sort of ended segregation because the pictures were leaked to JFK. Thereafter JFK ended segregation in Birmingham and the rest of the united states. The kids role was important because they couldn't hurt them or reposse there house/car. Also because it was hard to put a kid in jail and hold them there forever. Therefor they had to realsse them because it was just wrong to hold kids in jail for no reason. If it was adults doing all of this JFK probably wouldn't have ended segregation or bull Connor wouldn't have stepped down. So I guess people have more sympathy for kids when it comes to stuff like this.

Anonymous said...

708 @ 523
i agree because those little kids were so brave. the US might still be this way if they didn't do anything about it. That is what I put in my post too.

Anonymous said...


“Don't worry about your kids.They are all right.Don't hold them back if they want to go to jail for they are doing a job for all of America and all of man kind.”Those words from MLK have meaning.When he says that the kids had a “job” he meant that they are helping America.They were making segregation illegal.It was important for the adults and for their future.Their future depended on what they did right then and there.Some people may think it was a large task.No it was not.These kids knew what they were doing and they were going to be joyous while doing it.

Anonymous said...

*^$_-(# 707 #)-_$^*

The job that Dr. King was talking about when he told the parents of the kids in jail “For they are doing a job for America and for all mankind.” He meant that they are going to be recognized for what change they are about to make by filling up the jail then filling it up again and again. The only resin that Dr. King pulled this off is he knew that no one would try to hurt or harm the kids. By doing all this work they will change how the USA functions forever, however today their is still some pretty heavy racism out there.

The kids role was important for the Civil Rights Movement because by filling up the jails they created enough conversation to rise up and show that black people are the same as white people and white people are the same as black their is no difference between the two. Also this showed that the Civil Rights Movement is really a important thing and it was important that the kids played their role in the Civil Rights Movement.

Anonymous said...

When Martin Luther King told parents that “ Don’t worry about your children. They are going to be alright. Don’t hold them back if they want to go to jail for they are doing a job for all of America and for all of mankind.” He meant that the children were setting a message to all the white people. Also Dr.King used the kids as a secret weapon. Also the job he was talking about was the kids were helping them end segregation. The kids role was important for the Civil Rights Movement because they wanted freedom. Also there was more kids than adults. Also the kids wanted to go to jail because they volunteered. Lastly the kids helped end segregation.

Anonymous said...

708 @ 720
Yeah I agree with you about the whole sympothy for kids. if it wasn't for us, who know s what would have hapend?

Anonymous said...

712 to 709
I agree with you.It did take courage to go to jail. Also the kids were important to the Civil Rights Movement.

Anonymous said...


Dr.King was talking about a job that young black would do something for America.the job that he was talking about was getting freedom. The children were an important role because they filled up the jails and the jail yards. They filled them up so much that the police arrested them and the next day they were released the next day. When they got water hoses and spade the black people they and got their swimsuits. The parents were worried about their children at first but then the they were going to join the children and help out. The president passed a law that said there would be no more segregation.

Anonymous said...

712 to 502
I agree with you. The kids were important to the civil rights movement.In conclusion I agree with you.

Anonymous said...


My reaction to “the children's march” is horrified. I couldn’t believe blacks and whites were separated. It pains me to see people of different races fighting, it hurts me because some of my family is black ,and if some white and some blacks in my family were alive during that time they would be mortal enemies. they would try and hurt each other, if I had the choice of living threw this and dying I would choose dying this just sickens me. I’m also horrified of the pain the black kids had to go threw, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. started the childrens march to end segregation and the fighting of blacks and whites. MLK asked people to volunteer to go to jail and no adults standed up only kids, when MLK saw this he said “no”. On may 2ND. 1963 kids walked out of class at 11am the march started at 12:00pm. Police officers were all set up and ready to start arresting people, they even had fire hoses at ready. When the police started seeing the kids they shot high pressured water at them. On day 1, 973 kids were arrested, on day 2 1,922 kids were arrested and on day three 4,163 arrested to make a total of 7,058 kids arrested.

Anonymous said...

I thought that it was cool that it only took them 8 days to. People have been trying for years. Shows what kids can do if they believe.

Anonymous said...

to: 423

I think that just not to fill up the jail was there role, but also to stand up for African American. To show that they are just as strong. Also filling the jails where a big part too, but I do not believe it is the only role they played

Anonymous said...

To: 719
From: 517˚

It also sickens me to see that everyone would not treat others like they are their own. How come when it comes to other people they treat them bad, they had all the same body parts as them, and when it comes to animals, they treat them better. I thought it was a great plan to do what they did and changed a lot of things.

Anonymous said...

to: 307
I still think that the adults should also protested. So everyone will no that if you take my child to jail, I will go with them. I also think that the weapons they used against them were WAY to harsh.

Anonymous said...

I think what Dr.Martin Luther King preferred to when he said that the children were doing a job for all America and mankind was that they were standing up to they people that didn’t treat them equal.The African American children wanted to show the whites that they weren’t afraid anymore and that they should be treated the same like every other American.Some of the children would be released but then get right back in the police truck to be sent back.What I also thought about this article was that it was pretty shocking but relieving at the same time to see these kids make a difference.

Anonymous said...

The job that Martin Luther King JR. was talking about is that the kids took a stand against the white people because they were sick of getting discriminated against just because of the color of there skin! The parents were not doing anything and the kids were sick of it so they all decided to do something for a change. They youngest kid that went t jail was 4 years old when he was arrested. The kids role was important to the civil rights movement because not only were there just kids from Birmingham, AL. but other kids from different city's came as well to march for the equal rights that they wanted. and they got them after 8 days of protesting!

Anonymous said...

to 716
from 548

I think you did a really good job on your paragraph.

Anonymous said...

The job that Martin Luther King JR. was talking about is that the kids took a stand against the white people because they were sick of getting discriminated against just because of the color of there skin! The parents were not doing anything and the kids were sick of it so they all decided to do something for a change. They youngest kid that went t jail was 4 years old when he was arrested. The kids role was important to the civil rights movement because not only were there just kids from Birmingham, AL. but other kids from different city's came as well to march for the equal rights that they wanted. and they got them after 8 days of protesting!

Sorry Ms.Bruno Wrong Blog Number...

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed reading your paragraph on the MLK quote. I could tell you were very passionate about what you were writing just by looking at it. I love how you packed up your answer with facts from the movie. Great job!

Anonymous said...

720 to 719
I feel your pain that would tear apart a family like yours I would choose dying also instead of having to live threw stuff like that

Anonymous said...

611 to 712

that is very glad we are on the same page.i totaly understand what you are saying

Anonymous said...

720 to 611
I enjoyed reading your paragraph you did a great job on it

Anonymous said...

611 to 331

That is a very god explanation!i like how you worded you are a good writer.:)

Anonymous said...

712 to 611
Thank you 611 I agree with you too. Also I read yours you did a good job on yours.

Anonymous said...

From: 719

Thanks for responding to my writing and also thanks for apologizing even though you weren't in it. It makes me feel happy when people feel my pain, and it's also good to know that I to can talk to people who agree with me.

Anonymous said...


I agree that how the white people were treating the black people was horrible. Its sad that all black people were in this,it was not just the adults it was the kids too.

Anonymous said...

To: 536 From: 707
The kids weren't doing this because of the parents did not want to do any thing it was because no one els did any thing. But over all I think you were right :)

Anonymous said...

**$719$## to 331

YES!!!!!! VERY GOOD INDEED ;) I loved how you wrote your paragraph it explains a lot.

Anonymous said...


When Dr.King said that the kids would be doing all of America a job, he was talking about making the blacks and the whites have equal rights. Just because some people may have a different color like black other then white for their skin color doesn’t mean they should get treated any differently. It doesn’t matter what a person looks like on the outside but what they look like on the inside. A person could be white and really pretty/handsome but could have the w o r s t personality EVER! I wouldn’t want a person like that in my life. The kids had a big important role in the Civil Rights Movement because since they were kids and they were young they could change how people felt about blacks and whites being together throughout history. Also they would have a better impact on how adults felt then adults trying to tell other adults that being racist is NOT okay because treated people differently because of how they were born isn’t okay or a good thing at least it isn’t in my book.

Anonymous said...

When MLK said that the kids were doing a job for America and all of mankind, i think he was talking about how they were ending segregation. The kids were helping end segregation which meant that all people would be accepted and not judged by the color of their skin making everyone a better all-round person. The kids played a very important role in ending segregation. The kids’ role was that since they were the future of America, MLK used them to march and leave school so that the white people would realize what could be in the future for the black people.

Anonymous said...

The job that Dr.King was talking about was the job to end segregation because Birmingham,AL was the most segregated state in the U.S so if the parents weren't going to do something the kids had to. The kids played a very important role for the Civil Rights Movement because they took a stand for what they thought was right. Also because kids from all over came and walked and went to jail.After all their hard work they started the end of segregation.

Anonymous said...


“Don't worry about your kids.They are all right.Don't hold them back if they want to go to jail for they are doing a job for all of America and all of man kind.”Those words from MLK have meaning.When he says that the kids had a “job” he meant that they are helping America.They were making segregation illegal.It was important for the adults and for their future.Their future depended on what they did right then and there.Some people may think it was a large task.No it was not.These kids knew what they were doing and they were going to be joyous while doing it.

Anonymous said...

I think what Dr.Martin Luther King preferred to when he said that the children were doing a job for all America and mankind was that they were standing up to they people that didn’t treat them equal.The African American children wanted to show the whites that they weren’t afraid anymore and that they should be treated the same like every other American.Some of the children would be released but then get right back in the police truck to be sent back.What I also thought about this article was that it was pretty shocking but relieving at the same time to see these kids make a difference.