
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Reactions to "The Children's March"

Write a really good paragraph answering the questions for your discussion topic. Use your notes and details from the video in your paragraph. Your job after your original post is to respond to at least 2 students. When you respond, you should talk about their opinions. Your responses must be at least 3 sentences. If someone responds to you, you are expected respond to them!
* You need to write your original response in your "Blog Journal" on Google Docs first (in your blog journal), and check your post for spelling and grammatical errors. Then copy and paste it into the blog. * This response must be a minimum of 10 sentences. * Please respond respectfully to your classmates, not everyone is going to have the same opinions as you. * Posts are anonymous. Please don't give away your identifying number, and please respect others privacy. *This is academic writing. Treat your responses like you would an essay.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Discussion 1

On June 11th President Kennedy said, "This is the end of segregation." How did the President's actions change America? Was it the end of segregation? Do you see examples of segregation today? Have you heard of examples of segregation from your parents/grandparents?

Discussion 2

Dr. King told the parents, "Don't worry about your children. They are going to be all right. Don't hold them back if they want to go to jail for they are doing a job for all of America and for all mankind." What job was he talking about? Why was the kids role important for the Civil Rights Movement?

Discussion 3

One person said, "A lot of people thought the kids were going to get hurt, but the reality was that we were born black in Alabama and we were going to get hurt if we didn't do something." What did she mean by this? Did the kids get hurt by protesting and being arrested? What was the outcome of their actions?