
Friday, November 6, 2009

3rd Period

Fill in the following in paragraph form:

I get angry when...

This is a graded assignment. You must post an answer and then respond to at least two other students. If a student responds to your post, then you should respond back, and begin a dialogue. Things to remember:
  • You need to write your response in Pages first, and check your post for spelling and grammatical errors. NO TEXT LANGUAGE IS ALLOWED! CAPITALIZE THE BEGINNING OF EVERY SENTENCE! Then copy and paste it into the blog.
  • Don't forget to post your blog number every time. Also, please restate the question in your response.
  • Paragraphs must be a minimum of 5 sentences.  (If you're shooting for an A, 8 sentences).


Anonymous said...

I get angry when people argue over nothing. I get so furious I just want to scream. Some times people even argue about if they scored or won in a game. It doesn’t matter it’s a game have fun. I think people shouldn’t argue as much because all that time they are arguing they could be having fun. Now you know what really makes me mad.

Anonymous said...

I get really angry when people are fake or change themselves to be cool or to get attention. I think its the worst thing you can do. Why be fake and a poser when you can just be yourself? I have had a lot of situations where my some of my friends become posers and try to act like me so I might like them better when its the complete opposite. It makes no sense to me and being a poser usually never works. Usually when i get angry I listen to my zune and get really quiet. I think it helps me because it helps me forget for a while and kind of reflect. Another thing I do when I get mad is laugh. I don’t know why and its a little weird but I do.

Anonymous said...

I get angry when one person always tells people that what they’re doing is wrong, but then they go and do the exact same thing that they said was wrong. When I am angry I will either be really talkative or really quiet depending on how mad I am. If I am really mad I will start to yell at whoever made me mad and it usually goes on for a while. If I am just a little mad I will just tend to my business and let the whole situation go. I never hit things when I am mad because that would just mean injuring myself and that never helps any situation. Most of the things that get me kind of mad involve drama, but thats just because this school has so much of it. Most of the drama even involves innocent people and that’s what will get me mad.

Anonymous said...

336, I agree with you that you should stay positive, but I think you should explain more on why its important.

Anonymous said...


A thing that gets me angry is when other people get into other peoples drama. They shouldn’t get into it, its not there problem! It makes no sense to get into it. They can make it a bigger deal then more people get involved. It’s only making things worse. It sometimes causes people to start a fight. They can get people against the other then the drama won’t stop. People need to stay out of it and let them figure it out. If they don’t oh well at least the drama will stop. People get into fights for no reason. They get mad over stupid stuff and then when more people somehow get in it, it becomes a big deal. So just stay out of peoples problems and don’t make it a bigger one. People can then hate you and maybe lose a friend.

Anonymous said...


I usually don’t get angry. But when I do, I don’t say much. I usually just give people the silent treatment. So when I’m mad I just don’t talk as much and look sad. So you’ll know when I’m mad because I’m loud...just not when I’m mad. I think I do this because I don’t want to make it a big deal even if its is, because then more people will get involved and the issue becomes a bigger deal than it originally was and I hate that. And sure people will ask what’s wrong, but if I say “nothing” they will leave it alone. I usually like to fight my own battles, but when it gets to the point where they just will not believe me or the other person is making it a huge deal when it’s usually not, then thats when I get back up. And luckily, I have all the back up I can get, so thats good. Another thing that I sometimes do when I’m REALLY mad is cry. But I only cry if I’m so mad that I just can’t help it. I know no one likes being angry...but sometimes you have to be.

Anonymous said...

I get angry when people do stupid things and when people mess with people who don’t deserve it. Some people pick a fight but i get angry when people are rude to people who didn’t do anything. I think people just call others names because of their own insecurities. I also get angry when I mess up or do something I get mad at others for doing. Sometimes I am hypocritical. I probably get angry at myself more than anyone else. When I get angry I hit things, but not people. I get really angry when people change because of other peoples opinions, and act fake. Does anyone else feel this way?

Anonymous said...


When I get angry, I am actually really mad. I yell and I freak out and I swear I see the sky red. I can control myself if I want to most of the time. Thats probably the most important thing I need to remember when ever something or someone really pushes my buttons. It doesn’t take a lot to make me angry. I’m bothered by so many things that even if someone is tapping their foot or picking their finger nails in complete silence, I will really want to freak out on them. One thing that bothers me the most, is when people think they’re better than everyone else. That, out of everything, is probably the worst in my opinion. Even though this makes me the most angry, I can keep myself from showing it. I will just shake my head and wonder what their problem is and maybe get really mad when I tell my friends about it later. When I start to show my anger, peoples eyes open up so wide you’d think they’ll fall out, and their mouths drop in shock. I try to save that for the things that really are messed up, and not focus as much on the minimal things that bother me.

Anonymous said...


There are a lot of things that make me angry. But the two things that make me the most angry are my siblings and when i don’t do good in a sport. My brother and sister irritate me so much sometimes, I just want to hurt them. When ever i have friends over, they are always around us. They aren’t the best listeners either, so when I tell them to get out of my room they don’t. We are constantly fighting and my mom always gets mad at us. When i get mad at them, i am very scary. I yell a lot! I’m pretty sure my neighbors have heard me yell at them before. It’s pretty bad. Sometimes I even scare myself.
Now when I don’t do good at a sport, that’s a different story. If I’m at soccer practice and my shots are off and i can’t do anything right, i get really mad. I usually scream and cry. I just get so frustrated with myself that i break down. I know that i shouldn’t do it, but it means that I need to push myself more to be better player.

Anonymous said...

It makes me angry when people get mad at me for no reason. It also makes me angry when people have a reason to be mad at me, but they don’t know if its true. It also makes me mad if it’s not a good reason. I don’t get mad easily though. I don’t like being mad at anyone. Being angry is not a good feeling at all to me. I try to hold my anger in but that doesn’t end up working out. I am not a grudge holder, but when I reach a certain point I can get really mad. Luckily i’m not a grudge holder, so I just to forgive and forget. I just try to remember that getting mad and holding grudges isn’t going to get me anywhere, so i might as well just move on from the problem. I love when people think I am a nice person. I don’t like when people think I am a bad or mean person. It’s not even that I can’t take people being mad at me, I just do care about what other people think of my personality. I Know i get mad just like anyone else, but overall I don’t think I get mad too much.

Anonymous said...


I get angry when... my little sister doesn’t listen to me! Its drives me so crazy because all I do is ask her to do one simple little thing and she can’t even do that. It’s like wow! I also get angry when I have to deal with mom nagging about getting my homework and stuff done. Sometimes I just wanna go nuts because it’s like I’m getting stressed about stuff I don’t need to stress about at the moment. When I get angry sometimes I do get a little quiet and I try to keep to myself so I don’t put on a negative vibe. If I get angry enough I might just cry because to me that’s like letting everything out and it’s almost like a feeling of relief. Or, I might just tell people how I’m feeling and not let anything bottle up inside because that tends to make things a million times worse I’ve learned. Those are the things that make me angry, and how I deal with my anger.

Anonymous said...


When I get angry its almost like I’m out of control.
It’s almost like I slash out at everything i see.
I try to fight back the wall of tears, but i let them pass though, and roll down my cheeks.
Then I become silent like a winters night.
As I express my emotions all into a drawing, it’s almost like you can feel how I do.
I start to calm down, I suddenly feel much better than before.
I feel as if i’ve conquered the anger.
In the end, i know it’s victory.
Im a happy as can be.

Anonymous said...

I get angry when people are phony and i get angry when people are racist. People that are phony really irritate me.I don’t know why, it’s just a major irritation for me. I can automatically tell when someone is being fake or phony because i can read people. I can look at people and kinda tell what they are about. The second thing thing that makes me angry is when someone is racist. It makes me so angry because i think that they wouldn’t like it if they were in my shoes. So why is it fair for them to keep doing it. Another thing is that they think it’s funny when it really isn’t. I think there are plenty of racist people around here and it just makes me so angry. Especially when they try to hide it. The way i think of it is if our going to be racist then don’t hide it. Don’t be fake about it and try to cover it up. Now I’m not saying that it should be rubbed in my face either. I just don’t think you should be fake about anything. When i get angry i have to hit something. It’s just a habit. But if there is nothing to hot i take my anger out on other people.

Anonymous said...

I get angry when people do stupid things and when people mess with people who don’t deserve it. Some people pick a fight but i get angry when people are rude to people who didn’t do anything. I think people just call others names because of their own insecurities. I also get angry when I mess up or do something I get mad at others for doing. Sometimes I am hypocritical. I probably get angry at myself more than anyone else. When I get angry I hit things, but not people. I get really angry when people change because of other peoples opinions, and act fake. Does anyone else feel this way?

Anonymous said...

I feel the same way. People who are posers are so lame. Why can't everyone just be themselves and not copy anyone?

Anonymous said...

336, I personally also get really angry when people only point out what your doing wrong, then do it themselves. It makes no sence to me at all.

Anonymous said...

336, I also get very mad when people are rude to others that didn't do anything. I don't understand though why you would hit things. If I did that it would make me angrier than before.

Anonymous said...

Dear #334 I think you are right. there are too many people doing stupid things to be cool.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you. I hate when people get in the middle of other peoples fights. If it's not your drama you should just stay out of it. Don't make anything a bigger deal then what it already is.
From #328

Anonymous said...


Dear #344 i agree with you that there is so much drama at this school and I'm sick of it. Even when people aren't in it they get involved some way! Dramas dumb.

Anonymous said...

When I get mad I'm really quiet too. I'm usually loud and fun. So you can tell when I'm sad.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you 336. I feel the same way. People just change to fit in and act "cool" but really they look...kind of dumb.

Anonymous said...

Another thing I get really mad at is when kids pick on other kids just for the fun of it. That kind of stuff can really mess with kids and make them make bad choices. I had a family member who got picked on a lot and resorted to some bad things. It was horrible to watch her change so drastically in such a negative way. The worst part was I couldn't much to help her.

Anonymous said...

Dear #310,
I thin kthats true because, yeah, while people are arguing they could be having fun. But how do you think we got many of the laws we have today?? Someone had to argue. And its the same now...someone just has to argue.

Anonymous said...

I get angry when people that know my name say or act like they know me. To me there is a difference between knowing some ones name and knowing them. When you know a name it’s because you’ve heard it or that person introduced them self to you. When you actually know the person that means you hang out with them and know their personality. It’s not the only thing that gets me angry but it’s on my top five. I don’t get angry to easy but when I do I get an aditude look on my face and don’t want to talk to people other then close friends. It’s just somthing that really gets on my nerves and makes me angry.

Anonymous said...

I get angry when people think that jut because more people like them at school that they are automatically better than you. They have absolutely no right to treat any one like that. Its outrages how much they can get away with too. Just because the are the “cool” kids. I think that everyone tries to hard to fit in and that just makes things worse. people don't always have to be popular to be successful.
when I first start getting mad I will bit my lip a lot. As the anger and hatred swell my hands start to shake at first very little then very violently. then I start yelling trying to release some of my anger if that fails I will hit the thing that is closest to me whether it be a wall or a person I just hit it and hit it tell I calm down if it hits back its okay with me I like the pain and it helps me calm down faster. Or some times I just turn up my ipod really loud and just go for a run. when I run I have the chance to clear my mind. I will push my self to the point tears will start to come down my face from the pain in my lungs or legs but i will still keep going till I can calmly deal with the situation

Anonymous said...


dear 332,
wow I can see that this really bothers you, but think about it, if its such a big deal like you make it seem it is,then people do it to back up their friends. I bet you would do the same thing if the same was happening to your best friend. And yeah, sometimes it makes things worse, but most of the time, the person who stared it will get that they are causing problems and stop! So therefore, it can make things better too.

Anonymous said...

I get angry when my brothers pick on me to the point when I just can’t take it any more. So I yell at him and get really mad and my mom yells at me for not really doing anything when it’s his fault. So I will ether go to my room and just listen to music. Sometimes I just want to leave so I walk to the park and sit in the grass and tell I want to walk back to my house. It may not seem that bad but you don’t understand tell you have been though it. I also get mad when my mom lets my brother use and break my stuff when five minutes before that I told him no he can’t use it, so he asks my mom and she says yes. But yet I can’t even barley look at his stuff let alone touch it with out him yelling at me and threatening to hurt me or something.

Anonymous said...

What makes me angry is just a few of miscellanies things like if I don’t get enough sleep, but there are somethings that do make me just get infuriated. When I don’t eat I can go through phases where I can so irritable that no one wants to be around me. Eating is a big thing that can get me enraged in a hurry, and so does sleep. These things may be random things that everyone gets grumpy and angry for, but when I am famished or drained then I can get so testy about everything. Somethings that have been getting me fumed is bullies and how the school changed its time from 8:30 to 8:25. The first of those two are bullies. I don’t like how they just go around school and doing what ever they want, and teachers never catch them or just let them get away with it. Bullies can get so aggravated at times I just want to tear something to pieces. The other thing that makes me angry is the change in time for school. Sense the time went back 5 minutes I have been late to my first class. The favorable side to it is 5 extra minutes to lunch and advisory, but still isn’t worth waking up 5 minutes earlier then I did. Through tis you saw how I can get angry and at times and what upsets me the most.

Anonymous said...

334# All of the 336 with a # on them are my comments sorry.
Staying positive IS important because there is no reason to get mad about everything Also its nicer to the people around you if they say “hi” and you say “shut up” you can ruin there good mood and maybe mess up your friendship because your mad at a little problem. What do you think about staying positive 310?

Anonymous said...

#310 i agree with you it shouldn't matter at all.

Anonymous said...


I get angry when people get in others business. I can’t understand why people do that!! When I get mad I lose control and i will sit and cry i get very mad I will yell and scream. I have to take time to cool down to act normal. I also like to talk it out some time but I don’t do it because i told people some thing very important and it gets around quickly and people just assume stuff and most of the time it is not true. It is like a game of telephone the statement changes and people add stuff to it and that is how rumors get started. When people say “That is so nasty that you are dating that person.” Is it not there relationship and there chose not any one other that the two people in the commitment.Another thing that angers me is people how talked about others behind there back which is dumb. I f you have some thing to say say it to there face and don’t make up stuff.

Anonymous said...

I understand what your saying. I don't like when people are fake or they backstab you. It's hard to find people that are always true to you. I do kind of understand why people change though. As people grow up people sometimes want to be different and try new things.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you it is stupid to be a poser when you can and should just be yourself.

Anonymous said...

344, I didn't say you can't argue i just said I hate people that argue over nothing.

Anonymous said...

#330 you are right people do change words and words get around fast.I wish that they wouldn't make a big deal about stuff like that.

Anonymous said...

dear 342
Really? Yeah well when I'm mad, I get sad because the issue is always in my head and I can't think of anything else, so I get really quiet.


Anonymous said...

#310 I totally agree with you life is too short to argue over stupid things like the perfect example you gave. #324

Anonymous said...

i agree with you 318. people do act a little cocky sometimes.

Anonymous said...

I also get angry when people mess with people who don't deserve it. It is really annoying to see a person get picked on for no reason.

Anonymous said...

314, I get really mad at that too. One of my brothers is the exact same way and I cant stand it! Especially if my mom gets mad at me for what he’s doing. Its so unfair.

Anonymous said...

I get angry when people start to talk and talk. You tell them to be quiet and they just talk more and more.I also get angry when my sister start to get really annoying.Then I tell her to be quiet in a mean way and I always get In trouble and she doesn't.

Anonymous said...

from #330
ya when people are trying to get noticed by some one i don't blame them they need to be noticed not ignored and that is our problem to. but they should not do stupid stuff like that

Anonymous said...

When I get angry I try not to focus on what is making me mad. I also don’t let it get to me. I am not saying its easy, I know for a fact it is SO not easy. I always think like its not a big deal or its just a simple thing that can be resolved by ignoring it. I also learned how just to cope with everything, to let it go, shake it off and just go with the flow. :)
I personally have experienced times where i haven’t been unable to cope with it, but I never let that stop me. Also I never let stop me from being myself, or let it effect me in anyway. :)

Anonymous said...

Dear #308
I know how you feel. Siblings can be a real pain sometimes. I guess you cant live with them and you cant live without them.

Anonymous said...

Wow #314 I could totally relate my brothers make fun of me all the time!They even break some of my things too! My mom never does anything about it either, sometimes even my brothers will beat me up and she still won't do any thing! It gets so annoying and I do the same exact thing Ill go to my room and listen to music or walk somewhere. #324

Anonymous said...

330, I know exactly what you mean. People only do that because they have nothing better to do with their lives and they have to have drama ALL THE TIME.

Anonymous said...

336 from 316
I totally agree with you. I hate when people change themselves or act fake just so that people will like them. "A true friend will like you for who you are not for what you've become.":D

Anonymous said...

dear #328
I completely agree with everything you said! I also get really mad when people are mad at you fro no reason... I mean really? Whats the point of being mad over nothing? It makes me SOOOO mad! It just makes everything weird between us.
from: #340

Anonymous said...

to 318
If people stop that stuff then this would be a better place

Anonymous said...

318, I couldn't have said it better myself. "Cool" kids act like they own the school and can do what ever they please. With games thing you said I am glad to see kids playing a game and don't care who wins or loses, but when they just can't control them selves when they lose or rub it in the other team's faces it makes me so enraged. With one more thing to say I do bite my inner lip, but when I get angry at something just when I am under pressure or worried.

Anonymous said...

#320 to #336

I absolutely agree with you, I don't understand why kids like to pick on each other for fun, I'm sorry that happened to your family member, and that's just wrong, I've also been picked on a lot and i would just sit alone.

Anonymous said...

336, im almost exactly the same. I get angry for the same reasons and even act the same when im mad.


Anonymous said...

#320 to #310

I also agree with you! My family tends to argue a lot. They always forget why then they make things up.

Anonymous said...

304 from 316
I also hate when people are racist! it makes me SO mad. I absolutely hate racism! >:(

Anonymous said...

310 & 324
i totally agree! & great job!

Anonymous said...


I get angry when my friend comes over and says shes so bored, they her and my sister leave the house when I'm doing something and hang out the whole time. I almost wish she wasn't even there. Plus my sister says she doesn't like her! And when she makes me play stupid games with her, she gets mad when i say what else should we play. And that's after playing the lame game for two and a half hours. My sister is always so mean to her but they always hang out. So then I just go on the computer and ignore her.

Anonymous said...

I get really mad when people just LOVE acting like their all tough. Its so stupid! And when you try and talk to them about it, they get mad and start yelling at you because they know their wrong, and just don't want to admit it. Who else feels this way?

Anonymous said...


Dear #330, I also get angry when people get into other peoples business. I can control my anger but when I'm really mad I can't hold it in. People need to worry about themselves and not others drama.

Anonymous said...

I have this one friend that gets mad about EVERYTHING!!! It's so dumb! And everybody notices it, not just me, but we don't tell her, because we know she will get all self hurt and no talk to anyone... so we just kind of have to live with it...

Anonymous said...

That is a good idea to run when your angry. Maybe i will try it sometime.

Anonymous said...

314, I feel where your coming from. When ever my brother comes into my room I will tell him to get out, but he just stands there messing with me or making a mess of my room. When he leaves he tells our mom that I broke something in my room and tried to blame him then I would get yelled at for doing something that I didn't do. I get in more trouble for having my room in a mess which again he did. If I tried to go into his room he would break something and blame me for it.

Anonymous said...

I get angry when people disrespect me and, then expect me to respect them back!! It makes me angry because I honestly think that you have to give respect to get respect. Also if someone doesn’t give respect to a person that they want respect from they shouldn’t get it because they don’t deserve it. My saying is “You got to give respect to get respect.” When I get angry I get really frustrated and start yelling, making my point. Thats what I really get angry about.

Anonymous said...

It is really annoying when people pick on people who dont deserve it.