
Friday, September 9, 2011

5/6 What do you fear the most?

Post your response here.


Anonymous said...

I fear getting shots the most. I used to be fine with getting shots. Actually, I looked forward to getting shots when I was little. I really wanted to get my “reward” sticker for getting my shot. Whenever I got my shot I would always hold my mom’s hand. It was about when I was five or six and I was getting a tetanus shot. I didn’t care if it hurt, I didn’t know it would hurt. I just wanted to get my sticker. The nurse told me to lay down. As I did she left and got another nurse to help her. When they got back they held me down (I wasn’t even struggling) and wouldn’t let me hold my mom’s hand. They made it a huge deal. Now I freak out whenever I hear I’m getting a shot.

Anonymous said...

Out of the many fears I have three of them are the most scary.The three fears are bees,heights,and losing a loved one.My number one fear is losing a loved one.This is my biggest fear because it has already happened to me in the past. Losing a loved one is like losing a part of yourself. I remember all the good memories I had with that person. After I lost them I was in the worst mood in the world.Another big fear of mine is bees. I am terrified of bees because I've been stung by one bee twice! A bee sting is like the worst feeling in the world. My last fear is heights. I’m not a big fan of heights because when I was a little young’n I fell off a big slide and broke my arm.

Anonymous said...

My biggest fear is walking alone in my neighborhood. I don’t like walking alone in my neighborhood because there could be kidnaper’s out there. I also don’t like walking alone at night because one night i was walking alone home from skate city because i live near it, and a person in a black trench coat, black pants, black hat, and sunglasses walked on the other side of the street as me. Then he looked up at me and wouldn’t stop. When he was past me he was still looking at me from behind. Another reason I don’t like walking alone is because one night me and my friend were walking outside at my house and this white van drove past us very slowly. We both ran and the van was following us for a couple blocks. We finally got to my house and went inside. The van stayed there for an hour and finally drove away. I also don’t like waking alone in the dark because my mom told me that one night her and her friends were walking and her friend got abducted. She got away but her friend didn’t. All in all, this is why i don’t like walking in the dark.

Anonymous said...

I don’t really have a “ biggest fear. ” I am scared of a lot of things. Some of them are not that scary to you, but they creep me out. One of them are little tiny holes in the snow. I don’t know why but they creep me out. Another fear I have are hobos. They are scary looking, but they can’t help it. Every time I’m in Evans, I see a hobo. Not to be mean, but I just don’t like them. Any thing that makes me feel scared should be on Halloween. Masks, monsters, movies, costumes and pop-outs will freak me out. Man, being scared scares me. The most scariest thing I have ever had interacted with was…my mother when she is mad. Everybody is scared whe mom is mad. She would slap you down, literally.

Anonymous said...

Some of my fears are like dying or being seriously hurt on the outside and the inside. My first fear of dying would be by a mofia.They’re mean and what they do to kill you is brutal.I dont mean to be graphic but they chop off your every limb and then video tape you and send the video they made of you dying by loosing your blood to your family. they also have one more thing they do. they put a blind fold on u and tell you ‘’if you run your free’’ but up ahead theres a cliff that drops 2,000 ft, but the person dont know that.They also strap you to a chir a electrocute you. I would also hate to be drowned. I wouldnt like to be drowned becuase you dont breath and when you dont breath it hurts alot and when you finally do breath you breath in water and thats hurts alot worst. Theres more i would hate to be burned also you feel every moment of your flesh melting off EWWWW!

Anonymous said...


The thing that i fear most is Heights. I don’t know why but i just hate looking down when I’m in a high place. I’ve been scared of heights since i was really small. I don’t know why i hate heights but i just do.I remember when i was small I was even scared to look down in the mall when i was on the second floor. Even to this day I’m kinda scared to look down when I’m on the second floor. I try to overcome my fear of heights but i can’t! I wish i wasn’t scared but i am. Being scared of heights has stopped me from doing many things in life. I’m going try to over come my fear of heights later on in the future.

Anonymous said...

The thing that I am most afraid of is spiders. They are small and hardly even noticeable, but the thing you do notice is their bite. Spider bites just feel like a small needle at first, but some spiders are very poisonous. For instance the brown recluse has a venom that eats away your skin. The black-widow can even kill people. I have seen these kinds of spiders even in my neighborhood. My brother got bit by a brown recluse and had to go to the doctor to take special medicine to kill the venom inside his foot. Even wolf spiders give you big bites that are almost like a mosquito bite but itch way worse. People see them everywhere. When I do notice a spider crawling along a wall or hanging from a ceiling it freaks me out, because I think I have arachnophobia. I have got a spider inside my shirt while walking through my friends corn patch and it bit me three different times on my back. Then for the rest of that whole week, I was really itchy. The worst thing about it was that I could feel it bite me, which made me go crazy. That is probably why it bit me two more times. I have also gotten many more spider bites in my lifetime. For these reasons is why I am scared of spiders.

Anonymous said...

512 My greatest fear is being buried alive, and never getting out. One of the reasons why I am scared of being buried alive is because I am claustrophobic. Plus I hate the feeling like I am trapped and going to die by no food, water, and air, just sitting their waiting to die. You know the saying,“save by the bell”, it does not mean a school bell, or a dinner bell, someone saved you when they were buried alive. In the olden days there was this disease that made really sick and some die, so they buried you, later on they figured out that some die for moments, not forever, so thousands were buried alive. Once they saw that some survive they wrapped a rope on you wrist that came up from the ground to a pole were a bell hanged there so if something moved under the ground they were alive and saved. I also never want to lose my mom, because i love her with all my heart. She is amazing. I would literally take a bullet for her. This are my greatest fear, hope you enjoyed.

Anonymous said...

What Do I Fear The Most? I Fear Ghost! My Biggest Fear Are Ghost Because I Never Liked The Feeling you Get. What Made Me Afraid Of Ghost was, When I was A Little Bit Younger And Still Till This Day, My Grandma’s House That I Currently Live In Now Is Haunted. Ever Since I could Remember I always Got This Weird, Scared, And Chilling Feeling At Night. That Feeling Only Came Around In Certain Rooms In The House. Those Places Would Be The Stairs, Living Room, And The Hallway. I’ve Never Liked The Thought About A Non-Living Person’s spirit And Never Will. That Would Be My Biggest Fear And Why.


Yeaaaah Budddy :D

Anonymous said...

I agree i always got the flu shot and other ones just to get a lollipop or sticker and i tryed to act all cool when i was like 5 or 6 because i thought i was tought so ya haha.

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel. hat happend to me to. I wa so sad because i couldn't old my moms hand. The only thing that is different is they didn't hold me down.

Anonymous said...

To 518
From 506

I know right that's my second most feared thing to get killed by the mafia.

Anonymous said...

To: 540
From: 517
I agree losing a loved one is so devastating. It's just like chopping off a limb. Also bees are terrifying. I once got stung in the eye by a wasp, and I just moved to Englewood the same day.

Anonymous said...


I fear spiders the most. I fear them because I've seen T.V. shows about them. Also because they are just very creepy. I also am scared that they will get in my shoes, clothes, and they'll bite me . Also because they just look very creepy. Also because I'm scared of getting bit, because they are very poisonous. I have almost gotten bit by a spider. Another reason why is that they're poison is very toxic. It could do a lot of damage to your flesh. I don’t like them because they are very small and when you notice one it could have already bit you.

Anonymous said...

What I fear the most is losing my grandma and my mom getting cancer because my grandma has cancer and we don’t know if it is genetic or not. I knew someone who died from cancer and that was really sad so I don’t want that to happen to either my mom or my grandma. Also i fear this the most because I never want to lose my family and the people who mean a lot to me. I never ever want to never be able to see the people I love. One more reason why this is one of my biggest fears is because when you have family and they mean a lot to you, you never want to have to cry and miss them a lot. Lots of times people sit around and cry and they don’t want to do anything without having those people in their life. I wouldn’t want to be one of those people because I would really love to still have all of the people that I love in my life every day. Another one of my biggest fears is snakes. Snakes are another one of my biggest fears because they can kill you if you make them mad or if you get to close to them. Also if you are in the wildlife such as mountains and you don’t see the snake because it blends in with the surroundings, you could very easily get close to it making it get mad so it bites you. Snakes can also make you get really badly hurt and they can make you go to the hospital. Another reason why I’m afraid of snakes and why they are one of my biggest fears is because they slither and hiss at you when you don’t even bother them. Snakes are very scary.

Anonymous said...

you fear holes in the snow... i think thats funny and i dont know why and ya...

Anonymous said...

To 503
From $$506$$

I hate ghosts to but there no my biggest fear but if I were you i would move from that house!!

Anonymous said...


I can see what you mean, i hate spiders!! I fear them too

Anonymous said...

I hate walking alone in my neighborhood. It's just creepy.

Anonymous said...

To: 518
Yeah! I still like getting stickers and prizes whenever I go to the dentist or doctor. Whenever the don't give somthing to my or if they don't ask, I always ask them if i can have a prize. It makes me feel little again.

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel i have lost a family member to cancer. It was super sad and it sucked. I hope it doesn't happen to you!!

Anonymous said...

from:518 yeah I know they are vicious

Anonymous said...

From: 520

I can also see what you mean because I hate doctors sticking needles in me, I don't know why but it just makes me mad and also makes me feel weird. So that is why I agree with you

Anonymous said...

I also hate heights. Manly roller coster, because they are so unstable. Its weird because I love roller coster, I just have too close my eyes to get to the top of the roller coster, than i open my eyes for the fun way down!

Anonymous said...

Right!! They are just creepy.

Anonymous said...

I have that exact same feeling in my house. Its like you get goose bumps all over your body and its only in certain rooms!!

Anonymous said...

534 The thing I afraid of most is heights and clowns.The reason why I am afraid of heights is when I was little and I was getting a piggy back ride and I fell back and hit my head really hard.When I look down I get a weired feeling in my stomach.Also when you fall when you are high up you can die.The reason why I am afraid of clowns is they just look so ugly with their big red nose.Also they are ugly with and without their makeup.

Anonymous said...


What do i fear the most? The thing i fear the most is death. I fear death the most because I would hate to die. I want to live and explore new things. Go on new adventures and learn new things. I also don’t want to die because I will miss everyone that I love and everyone I had a good times with. I would feel bad because I would not have the chance to thank everyone or say that I am sorry to the people that I have done wrong to. I would also miss every little thing in life like my favorite foods or even songs. I would miss every thing including the people I didn’t like because it was fun messing with them or joking with them. The biggest part about death for me is, will i go to heaven or hell. I couldn’t imagine going to hell, being miserable for eternity or even going to heaven. I would hate just doing everything perfect or right. I wonder if i will go to hell because I use to be a very good loyal, respectful, and caring kid. Now I do bad things that I would never think of doing when i was younger, but i think i could still try to fix it or make things right, and hope to fix them all before I see my last second and the path I will go down. These are all my reasons why I am afraid of death and some of my reasons may not even be good, but there good enough for me.

Anonymous said...

What Do I Fear The Most? I Fear Ghost! My Biggest Fear Are Ghost Because I Never Liked The Feeling you Get. What Made Me Afraid Of Ghost was, When I was A Little Bit Younger And Still Till This Day, My Grandma’s House That I Currently Live In Now Is Haunted. Ever Since I could Remember I always Got This Weird, Scared, And Chilling Feeling At Night. That Feeling Only Came Around In Certain Rooms In The House. Those Places Would Be The Stairs, Living Room, And The Hallway. I’ve Never Liked The Thought About A Non-Living Person’s spirit And Never Will. That Would Be My Biggest Fear And Why.


Yeaaaah Budddy :D

Anonymous said...

Im not scared of spiders, i just care for them, unless they bit, or they are huge!

Anonymous said...

To: 502
From: 517

I agree. Cancer is a big thing to deal with. Cancer kills and it hurts the victim and the family. No one in my family has cancer and I hope your family don't go through this. I hope your grandma is ok.

Anonymous said...

To: 503
I get that same feeling in my house. Mostly in my bedroom and my attic. I believe ghosts are real, like if they died after they got in a fight with a close friend they wont "go into the light". That's why I never tell my family that I hate them.

Anonymous said...

TO 503
From534 I hear you but you should move out of that house

Anonymous said...


The things I fear the most are thunder storms, clowns, and manikins. The reason I have a fear of clowns and manikins is because when I was five I watched It with my mom, my brother and a few of my moms friends. I fell asleep during the movie. When I woke up it was dark and I was in the living room alone. Behind me there was a bunch of clown dolls on shelves and on strings. I started to freak because I thought one of them would come and get me. After about an hour I fell back asleep. My brother must have herd me because when I woke up the next day there was a clown in my face. That's why I'm afraid of clowns and manikins. The reason I'm afraid of thunder storms is because when I was little my dad used to leave me and my brother home alone a lot. When my dad was gone my brother would lock himself in his room so I never had anyone around to help me over come it.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever feared losing something? Well I have, actually losing the rest of my family, friends, and pets are three of my biggest fears. Three reasons why are, I’ve lost a number of pets to car accidents, I’m always moving, and I’ve already lost two people that are a big part of my family.First, I have the fear of losing my pets because, since I was about four I started losing cats to car accidents, old age, and dogs. I also have this fear because every fish I owned died in about the first few months of owning them.Then there was my hamster named Luke who died of old age and infection, if you want to know he’s buried in Castle Rock in a apartment complex off of Happy Canyon road.Second, I have the fear of losing all of my friends. I have this fear because ever since I started kindergarten I’ve been changing schools first from Monro elementary for kindergarten to Lawrence elementary for 1st and 2nd grade,then to Castle Rock elementary for 3rd grade. After that I went to Sadella elementary for 4th grade, and Warder elementary for 5th and 6th grade and I ended here for 7th and 8th grade. If you lost count that’s six schools in 8 grades, That's one of the reasons I'm so quiet. My final fear is losing my beloved family because, I’ve already lost one person and that’s my grandpa and that’s from natural death. although the other person is an entirely different story and that’s my father! My father left me for some ugly woman that has two kids of her own and just leaves me in the dust and doesn’t even call, text, or come see me.I DO NOT want anyone else in my family to leave me like he did. those are my three fears and why.

Anonymous said...

To: 520
The weird thing is I could care less about plain needles. I play with safety pins when they are open and all. But getting stuck with a needle that's going deep into your skin by a person you barely know? I don't trust them, even if they are doctors.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you, that's really scary because i wouldn't ever want a man and people in vans to be following me home. I'm scared of walking home by myself either because you could very easily get kidnapped.

Anonymous said...

My biggest fear is Death. I am afraid of death because of all of the things that have happened in Colorado with shooters and thugs. I worry about strangers or people looking at me, if i don’t know them. There has been so much death in my family this past year so I'm just worried i may lose my life before i get to “live it.’’ I feel like death watches over everyone with a clock waiting for there time to end. But if the have had a good life they will try to show them that there life is over with a few close calls and finally death will strike in the heart of its victim. When your time with life is over then what? What happens, shat do you see, what do you do, all of these questions worry me on what my life will be after I'm no longer with life. Its like driving at 100 mph right at a steel wall its just over you had fun and it just ends in a flash. That is why death is my biggest fear. 536

Anonymous said...

TO 502
FROM 534
My grandpa got cancer and he's got 2 months to a year left and he's got diabetes

Anonymous said...


I disagree with you spiders are wonderful creatures. Without them we would have an over population of bugs. i feel spiders do more good then bad

Anonymous said...

To; $506$
From; Yours Truly 530
I Most Definitely Agree I'm Very Much Afraid Of Heights, But I'm More Afraid Of Ghost:D

Anonymous said...

I agree with you because getting shots is scary. I hate when I have to get shots. People should just not make us get shots and we should all just be healthy anyways.

Anonymous said...

The thing I fear the most is spiders. The reason i am sceard of spiders is
because you never no when they can sneek up on you and bite you. The
only reason i am so sceard of them is because my mom would alwase
scare me with them when i would get into trouble.She would say the spiders
will bite me.Im sceard of them because they are small and its easy for them
to sneek up on you.When you least expect it they will bite you.Spiders are
scary and terifiting.

Anonymous said...

What are scary about holes in snow?

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about dying.

Anonymous said...

I Agree I'm Scared To Die! I Hope i Die Of Natural Causes...

Anonymous said...

I agree with your fear of spiders but I’m not to sure why you listed all the types that scared you.

Anonymous said...

To:everyone who is scared of loosing a loved one

its ok to loosing a loved one. i know it happened to me and its ok you just have to try and get over it !Its a part of life everyone has to die at some point.

Anonymous said...

to 510
From 538
isn't it just so creepy. With all the sounds you hear and everything.!

Anonymous said...

to 502
from 538 That's why i don't like it because you can be kiddnapped!

Anonymous said...

To: 502
I agree! Or at least have one shot you get as a baby and never get shots again. The only other reason we should get shots is if there is this HUGE virus that would kill you the next day if you didn't get the shot.

Anonymous said...

My blog
To start my greatest fears are Clowns ,It ,Spiders ,Porcelain dolls ,Chucky
,Insanity to the point of suicide ,Being lit on fire.

First I have a huge fear of clowns because as a little girl this clown tried to grab me and then I ran and hit another clown and he picked me up and so I started screaming because their face makeup and sounds truly scare me.
I fear It because that movie is utterly disturbing.
I fear spiders because they have the ugliest body and looks in the world and they can bite you.
I fear porcelain dolls because they stair at you and fallow you with their eyes and never look away.
I fear chucky because he is a kids toy that chases you and kills you its disgusting and inappropriate.
I have a fear of going insane to the point of committing suicide because my uncle committed suicide and I have seen to many people I know go insane.
I fear being lit on fire because to burn is to betray the cold because I love the cold also I fear being cremated .

Anonymous said...

I know ghosts are scary. I feel like they could just watch you without you even knowing.

Anonymous said...

To 528
Shots used to be a very big fear of mine,when I was nine! Then I became older and got use to the shots.

Anonymous said...

To 526
From 540
I’m pretty sure everyone is scared of death.

Anonymous said...


I see your reasons for not wanting to die but death is a part of life. Why should you be scared of dieing? There is no reason for it. You've got to do it some time. First of all, if your sad that you'll go because you wont be able to thank anyone than say thank you randomly for all you have. If you want to say sorry to all those you've done wrong to than do it and stop hurting people. If it hurts you so much to hurt people than don't do it. It may be hard but sometimes you've got to over come challenges. Second, how do you know if you'll go to heaven or hell? How do you know there isn't somewhere else soles go to? What if there is no heaven or hell? You've never been there. Nether has anyone else. Its not like some great explorers went and explored the after life. You would have wasted your hole life making sure you went to the right place. Third, if your doing things you have resentment for than DON'T DO IT! Is that so hard! Jeez! I honestly dont see how hard that is. That is all i have to say.

Anonymous said...

Clowns are not scary.