Using the writing you just completed, create a post about the thing(s) you feel the most passionate about. What makes you the angriest, happiest, most frustrated, etc? Describe examples and give lots of details to explain WHY this thing gets you.
We just worked on writing creatively. Use those skills in your blog.
Your job after your original post is to respond to at least 2 students. When you respond, you should refer to (talk about) their questions, and their opinion.If someone responds to you, you should respond to them!
* You need to write your response in Google Docs first (in your blog journal), and check your post for spelling and grammatical errors. Then copy and paste it into the blog.
* This response must be a minimum of 10 sentences.
* Please respond respectfully to your classmates, not everyone is going to have the same opinions as you.
* Posts are anonymous. Please don't give away your identifying number, and please respect others privacy.
714- I am most passionate about my life. My life is very important to me. I have very many beliefs. many people think that life will go on when they go but it wont. I live everyday like its my last. If you try it it is worth it and give you a happier life. I no people think its dumb but its actually not. If I lived forever yeah it would be nice but that's not the way it is. I love the way i am living my life now. My pet peeves are people and there annoying sounds. I mean it comes out of the random. then when you tell them to stop they dont. I just dont get it.
Some of the things I love is writing. When I am writing my life can just go away and nothing matters. Like I am in my own world. Drama just disappears, my life is Drama free. nothing else matters. Another thing is Valentines Day. I love it when your bf/ gf ask you to be their valentines. Valentines day is the one day when you don’t have to worry about being embarrassed. Well that is what I think others might think different. I love hanging with my friends. It seems like I don’t have to look my best ALL the time. I can be myself not what others want me to be. A couple of my pet pevs are when people start tapping their pencils. I don’t mind if they tap their foot but if I see it I freeze. I also hate clicking pens. The ABORTIONS. Like how would you like it if you got killed when you were a baby now would you like that? I don’t think so. I hate it when people change their personalities, like if you were my friend then you should be your self not a barbie. Then I hate it when they want their girlfriends to be barbies. Barbie is NOT real. On top of all I HATE DRAMA!!!!!!!!
I am passionate about Johnny Depp, because he is a spectacular actor. All the roles I’ve seen him in (Except for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. That was just plain stupid.)
are played wonderfully. He really knows how to connect with his characters. He’s not half-bad looking, either!
Now, my pet peeve is a bit gross. Well, actually, it’s completely disgusting. I hate it when a dog will sit there and lick its hoo-ha. That is absolutely nasty, no doubt about it. I don’t want to see that! It’s a disturbing sight!
The strong feeling that gets me going on a passionate rant is the amount of money athletes and actors have just for pocket money. They get paid 44,000 in a month and my mom maybe gets that in a year. People are struggling with financial problems and getting a job and these people get paid for doing simple things. They just sort of expect it and don’t have to do much especially actors. It isn’t a hard thing to act and they get paid so much for it. Teenagers and younger kids can act and play sports and they don’t get paid, so why do adults get paid so much for it. It really makes me angry because all these people struggle with it everyday and if they had to give up all their money for a month they probably wouldn't last. Thats what gives me a strong or passionate feeling. -717
The thing I’m passionate about is Hot Wheels and certain video games. Hot Wheels are just fun to collect and sometimes play with. I love video games. Certain kind of course. I always play Super Mario or Sonic. They are addicting and really fun to play.
I have strong feelings for the word Hate. I have strong feelings for that word because hate is a very strong word. I never really use that word unless I truly mean it. I never tell people I hate them because you never know whats gonna happen the next day. I watch what I say before I say it. I never even joke around with that word.
My pet peeve is having doors open and unlocked. It bugs me when doors are open and unlocked because i always have the feeling someone is sneaking up on me or just watching me. I don’t like that feeling of being watched.
I’m very passionate for alternative metal music, because i can actually relate to it unlike some of the new music like black and yellow. All i think in my head is “really now? how unoriginal” because of the random things people are singing about. I'm also passionate about drawing, because its another good way of showing your mood and your way of life without saying a word. Personally i REALLY dislike Justin Beiber, because of his crappy music and conceited attitude.
One of my greatest pet peeve ever is when a person says “hey i SEEN you at the store, last night” number one that is grammatically wrong, number two that makes you look incredibly stupid on a scale even Paris Hilton couldn't reach.( i also think shes incredibly stupid)
There are many things that i am passionate about. I'm mostly passionate about the sports that I play. I get a rush of excitement through my body when I’m on field and court. I always feel like I have to do my best when I’m playing because if I’m not doing my best then I shouldn't be playing in the game. I’m very passionate about things in the game like fundamentals and the little tedious things that you have to learn to play the game the absolute best you can. Also when someone cries in a game. There is no need for crying in a game especially if it’s because they did something wrong that is my pet peeve and things that I’m passionate about.
717 this is 714 and i tottaly agree with you. I am really crazy about how come they are so stingy and donate. You have a really good point
712 its 714 i agree i am passionate about alot of things but the main one is my life.
Johnny Depp is a great actor i loved him in Pirates of the Caribbean. -#707
I’m passionate about music. I like 80’s rock, heavy metal, rock, reggae, and more. I can relate to these types of music because certain stuff that happens in the songs can or has happened to me. I am also passionate about sports I like watching them as well as playing them. I dislike people who are to serious. Also people who cant take a joke. Those kinds of people confuse me. I also dislike when people judge other people just from appearance. It is just such a waste. 724
What am I passionate about? I am passionate for many things like working out, music, dancing, trust, friendship, my hair and many more things. The main things that I am passionate about the most are dancing, working out, and music. I am very passionate about dancing because it’s the way I express myself. When I dance, I say thousands of words with only the rhythm of my heart beat. Working out is another thing I am seriously passionate about to. When I feel annoyed or irritated I simply pick up some weights and just do my thing! Working out is also very vital for me because I also get to have a rocking body. Now, what are some pet peeves that I have? I hate it when people chew food with their mouth open. Its absolutely gross and shows no manners. Something else that completely drives me wacko is when people betray you. It shows no friendship or love. It just makes you feel back stabbed and disliked. These were just some of the things that drive me koo koo and the things that I am passionate about.
What am i most passionate about? JERSEY SHORE!! Duh, that and Skins. Most people say that its sending a bad image to people across the world. An i total disagree. Like its showing people that we know how to have a good time. An Skins well that show just speaks for its self its AWESOME!! I feel very strongly about how McCain should have been president. Like no affiance but ill bet that 50-75% of the people only voted for Obama was because he is black and McCain is old. I guess this country really doesn’t want change because he is only making it worse. An my biggest pet peev is bangs. My bangs are like my pride and joy they are my every thing. When I am having a bad bang day i wont leave the house.
The thing that gets me the most excited is sports it sends adrenaline down my body and excites me! I love running and having fun which is what sports are all about. They keep me healthy and fit. I love it when I do something good and everyone congratulates me which makes me fell good about myself. It gets me excited because not one person has to do something to win the game the whole team has to contribute. Also when you go out in football and get a big hit it sends vibes down your body giving you a chill that makes you happy. That is why sports excite me! My biggest pet peeve is when i get a package and it has a brick of foam in it I try to grab it and it screeches. Immediately when i hear that sound it gives me goosebumps. It makes my ears want to scream STOP!!! That is my biggest pet peeve.
to #717 i agree with you because alot of people do struggle financially. And most actors do take that for granted-#707
Dear 701,
I agree with you that Johnny-Depp is a great actor, I especially liked him in "Alice in Wonderland."
I also think thats its dross when dogs lick their "Hoo-ha's."
Dear 703,
I also love to write. Not much drama goes on in "my world" but it is a good thing if you want to keep your mind off of something.
Dear 714,
I agree with you and love your passion. To live your life like it's your last is a great way to live. Especially because you never know what could happen in any type of situation. But I can also see the bad side of living your life like it's your last. You can't always be on the edge about things. sometimes you have to learn the hard way about some things. ~712
The things that I am the most passionate about are family, friends, abortion, and how people believe. Family, if I had to I would do anything to be with my family. One thing I didn’t say was the way I feel about my boyfriend. He is the first guy to prove to me that he is there for me no matter what he is an amazing friend and a person I would do anything for. One last thing let people have there own way to believe don’t change who anyone because you think different. The things that I hate the most are messiness, liers, talking behind backs and rude people. I HATE messy people and things. It is not that hard to keep things looking decant. Take the ten minutes to make sure everything is okay. Last stop talking about people behind their backs. It shows that you can’t be brave and express how you feel to that person. It truly takes bravery to tell people how you feel so prove you can. I forgot one thing, I absolutely HATE when adults say “We don’t got...” or “It ain’t...” Even I have better grammar then that. You sound stupid if you can’t speak correctly. If a 14 year old corrects an adult on the way they speak then that means that you need to go back to 6th grade and figure out how to speak.
Dear Blogger 712
I fell the same way when i get on the field i fell like it my time to shine and no one can stop me! I fell adrenaline flowing through my veins like there about to explode!!!
Number 712, I admire the way you feel about sports. I feel the same way as you. Wen I play sports, I feel a great rush of adrenaline and I push myself to do the best, and be the best. When I am out in the field, and you feel that drop of sweat rolling down you face, it feels good because you know you're doing hard work.
Dear, 703
I totally agree with you when you say we are not Barbies. Its like really guys, get a life. Noboodys is perfect.
I am passionate about clothing because it can tell a lot about a person. You can tell there personality or you can tell what type of things they like. I am really passionate about my family and friends, i like to help them, and all ways like to hang out with them. my family is the most important because they all ways help me out with any thing i need. so i like to return the favor and help my family when ever i can. It is nice to know that you have some one to rely on. I like clothing because it makes you look cool and you can learn a lot about a person and about there personality like if they like to wear sloppy clothes or if they like to were a tie to school. this is what i am passionate about.
Blogger 720
Sports is my passion, people asks me why that is all the time. I would say that it is because its fun and I'm really good at some. Especially football, baseball, and basketball i could say that I’m pretty good. Its the adrenaline that makes me want to play because the excitement makes me really pumped up and i just want to show of my skills to my friends and parents. I like it when my coaches and teammates notice how i have improved and how good i am. That's one of the reasons i keep playing and improving as a person and as a player. One of the other reasons is that i love the sport and the excitements of it. It just makes me happy and wanna play more. When i see someone that way better then me work hard to become the best of the best. I wont give up until i reach my goal. That’s why football and other sports are my passion, but football is what is really strongly about because of all the reasons i explained. My pet peeves are when you see a kid that younger then you and tries to act really hard and thinks that they could beat you up. I hate it when there like a kid that doesn’t even care about anything and does whatever they feel like, and don’t respect their elders. I also hate it when kids think they are all cool and better then you at everything.
I am passionate about softrball. If people are going to play that sport they beter be willing to move a go for a bal. when i play with people the sand there and watch the ball land right in front of them. I hate when people dont go for the ball when everyone does that they can. i hate it when people move backwards when a ball is a up in the air there supposed to move under the ball not away from it. When people do that they are making ae team lose the game and not helping us win the game.
Dear #714
I completely agree live life to the fullest and live everyday like its the last. I think that you really know how it is and you are influencing so many people by showing them how to live. I am with you on that!
By #705
I Have A Passion For Flashin. Before I Had It I Closed My Eyes, And Imagined.-Kanye West.
Just kidding. I have a passion for music though, so it kinda isn’t a joke,because thats from a song.haha.Well clearly from the first sentence you can tell that i have a passion for music.I love most genres. Even music that i don’t like, i still like to listen to what the meaning of the song is about. I love to just sit around and listen to music that I've never heard before , or have listened to before. Hearing new music that i haven’t heard before makes me think more about what other people have to go through. Like some music is about how people feel, and what they have been through. So listening to that makes me think about the good things in my life. Plus when your feeling down music can always make you feel better, or talking to your mom.Ha.
Dear number 710, I totally disagree with you. Jersey Shore is a show that can be kinda cool, but it makes ALL of us look bad. I think that with these horrible shows, it just make us seem like we just party all the time and. Just drinking and having a good time Every night! I would like other people in other countries to look at us like hard working educational people. But these shows show the opposite.
I am passionate about music, music sometimes is the only thing that comforts me. Music relaxes me when I feel like everything is going wrong, when my world comes crashing down. I am also passionate about shoes after all that is the first thing I look at when I see or meet someone. I have strong opinions on shoes. I always am thinking about ways that you could make shoes better. Some things that bother me are when teachers are erasing the board and they miss a spot. I am not sure why this bothers me but it always has since I was in first grade. Also when someone scratches a board or a sign. The noise you can say hurts my ears.
Dear #707
OH MY GOSH!! I think the grammar thing is so stupid, you can't seen someone. Don't every think you can. Thank you for posting that.
By #705
Dear 710,
Oh my gosh about the Bang thing that is so true, i think that if anybody is having a bad ban day then they shouldn't go to school really why come to school with your bangs all a mess, you just look ridiculous. But if i do say so myself you Bangs always look perfectly kwaft.,
P.S-does any one know how to spell kowft?
Dear blogger 707,
All i can say to your poast is AMEN!!!! PARIS HILTION IS INCREDIBLY STUPID!!!!
Dear BLOGGER 706
I agree with you when people chew with there mouth open i want to sock them in the face so they will stop!
i think that you are right about that but i would disagree because the athletes worked their buts off to get to the top thats why i disagree with you.
Dear 702
I agree with you clothes can say a lot about a person. For example it can say what they like and what they don’t like.
Dear 703, I think writing is boring and a waste of time, no offense. There is plenty of other things you can do than writing. The only time I think writting is fun is when it's cold outside and you can't go out.
Dear 702 its 724 disagree I don't think clothing tells much about a person I think it tells a small amount but not much.
I agree with the softball. Softball is a fun sport to play. I used to play. That is very annoying when people when people like dodge the ball and don't even try. I like what you are passionate about.
from: #711
dear 711
I would have to agree with you cause i love cars and video games especially mario its very nice and fun!!!.\
from: 720
dear 710
I agree with you that everyone voted for obama because he is black 718
Dear 716, You have good desription and all but you have speling mistakes. Softball and better are spelled wrong
Dear 701 I think Johnny-Depp is kinda weired since he wont watch any of his own movies because he does not like to see himself on TV. 724
dear 714
i agree with you i think everyone should live there life likes its the last day from718
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