Using the writing you just completed, create a post about the thing(s) you feel the most passionate about. What makes you the angriest, happiest, most frustrated, etc? Describe examples and give lots of details to explain WHY this thing gets you.
We just worked on writing creatively. Use those skills in your blog.
Your job after your original post is to respond to at least 2 students. When you respond, you should refer to (talk about) their questions, and their opinion.If someone responds to you, you should respond to them!
* You need to write your response in Google Docs first (in your blog journal), and check your post for spelling and grammatical errors. Then copy and paste it into the blog.
* This response must be a minimum of 10 sentences.
* Please respond respectfully to your classmates, not everyone is going to have the same opinions as you.
* Posts are anonymous. Please don't give away your identifying number, and please respect others privacy.
I am very passionate about music. I could not live without it and I like to play music or sing it. I also am passionate about the move The Sound of Music. It is a great movie and the music is amazing. I also hate abortion, the cost of living fees, and rap/heavy metal with a passion. I like sports, band, choir,Harry Potter movies, Muppets movies, and my family
I cant stand when people try to convince me different then my beliefs. I think abortion is okay. I think it is okay up to a certain trimester. If a 14 year old girl got pregnant because her dad raped her then I think its fine that she goes and gets an abortion. If a 25 year old gets pregnant but she doesn’t have enough money to take care of it and she doesn’t have time to take off of work because shes in a hard spot I think she should be allowed to have an abortion if its within the first 3 months of being pregnant. I believe in God. I don’t go to church but I think there is one. I don’t like people telling me that I need to go to church and that’s a sin stop. I just wish people would let other people think what they want. If someone is atheist then let them be because that’s what THEY want. When people tell me that I shouldn’t date that guy because everyone else doesn’t like him. Then great you can tell me that but after the first time stop because its MY life not YOURS. If people want to do something you can tell them once but then let them do what they want. You warned them and gave your opinion but you cant just let everyone go with YOUR opinion because the world doesn’t revolve around you. That's why I don’t like when people try to change my beliefs.
Something that I am very passionate about is people picking on someone because they are small. I always get pushed around because I am so small. My size is something that I don't really have control over. So when someone picks on me for that I usually let it go. But when it constantly happens it brings me down. When I get picked on it usually breaks my self confidence because who really wants to get picked on for something that’s uncontrollable. Also another pet peeve of mine is when people are made fun of because they don’t have something that everybody else may have. Maybe their family can’t afford it or they just don't have it. That just really isn’t fair to them. Those are a few of my pet peeves.
Blogger #228
I`m passionate about respect of teachers. I feel this way about teachers because they do an enormous amount of work for others, with very little pay, and are treated with almost not respect by students. A substitute teacher is treated like crap most of the time, and the teacher doesn`t even have to be at school teaching them. They could be at home, relaxing or doing something fun. That is what I`m passionate about.
I feel passionate about how stupid some teen drivers are. Just the other day, a car of teen drivers cut my mom off, nearly causing an accident. This just really makes me mad because these teens are trusted with probably the greatest responsibility they will ever have, then they misuse it. I personally believe that teens should be 16 and have at least a 3.0 gpa to drive so that the more smart teens that may show more common sense are driving instead of kids that can’t even keep their grades up. This would allow teens to drive when only when they aren't in trouble and when their grades are up. I think this may reduce a substantial amount of careless drivers off the streets.
The thing I’m most passionate about is begin against animal abuse. I can’t stand when people use their pets as a punching bag. Then they just leave them there to suffer. Every time I see any pet on TV that has been abused I have to change the channel because I can’t stand to see their face. People don’t understand how they feel. Animals have no chance if they get sent home with a mean person. People think that we can treat an animal how we want because they have no say in it. That is not true, if they could animals would leave us. I feel horrible when I hear a dog cry out for help. A lot of people can’t do anything to help. That has to change, because I don’t think a lot of people can stand to see another puppy or kitten get kicked for no reason.
I’m very passionate about everything. Since I’m extremely opinionated, I have an opinion on everything. Once I have all the information on the subject, I like to argue about it with whoever I can find. I’m mostly passionate about history though. I have no clue why but I just love knowing more and more about the past. I”m also very passionate about music which I love. I’ll listen to anything as long as someone tells me its good. I never question, I just listen and wonder why the person relates to the song so much. School is a big one that I’m passionate about. Doing good in school is what I live for right now. I try hard in everything I do, making me passionate in everything I do.
I am very passionate about techno music, and theater. When I listen to techno music its like I’m getting away. When I put the those headphones in, I feel like I’m the only person in the world, and I can do whatever with my life. Techno also wants to make me get up and dance,and I can be myself while listening to it. Of course it always seems to end when my screaming little sister walks into my room. Theater is also what I’m passionate about. When your on stage, in the audience, or behind the scenes, you feel like in a different world. It’s like their is no reality to life, and you get to be yourself all day! If you work behind stage, you get to know everything going on around you. Theater is amazing, and nobody can change how passionate I am about it, or how much I love it.
I feel very passionate about Ramen noodles. Ramen noodles are cheap and convenient. All you do to make Ramen is put the extraordinarily delicious noodles in water in the microwave. Then you pour the divine flavor onto the noodles and stir. Ramen is so good that if it was a woman I would totally marry it. Chile flavor is the all time best flavor around. I would rather eat it them than all the desserts in the world. Chicken flavor is the second best and the most popular because it is straight up G!
blog#204-The worst pet peeve I have is getting my socks wet. I hate that a lot. Its one thing if I do it on purpose, but if I randomly step on freezing cold water, that’s not right. The unfortunate part is my dog leaves little pools of water on the floor every time he gets a drink. I think I may start carrying a hair dryer around with me so that I can dry my socks off every time they get wet. Who ever comes up with the invention of water proof socks, I don’t care if they want a million dollars I would give it to them. Thats how much I hate getting my socks wet. Every time I get my socks wet I have to take them off and go bare foot. Why wouldn’t I put another pair on, because those would get wet too. Besides I can’t put on a different pair because I don’t have any dry ones left.
I like fishing. fishing is a great outdoor activity that is fun. the only problem is that littering and gasoline are making the waters inhabitable for the fish. we need to conserve the waters not only for fishing but for other animals. Wildlife drink from lakes and other animals could get caught in litter and die. pollution is a big thing that needs to stop. fishing is meant to be fun and get out side and enjoy the lake not catch fish that if eaten could kill you.
218. One thing I’m really passionate about is talking about my feelings. I hate feelings, crying, discussing whats bothering me.. All of that! The only time I really cry is when I’m really really pissed off or something hurts. Not that often, no matter how terrible something bothers me. I tend to drop whatever it is that upsets me, they’re mostly little things.. Why care about it because it already happened, not much you can really do about it except get over it. If someones trying to irritate you, why let them know they got to you because then they’ll just continue with no stop. This is just my way of dealing with everything that sets my temper on a rage, but lately I’m starting to think that isn’t the healthiest method. People always say, you should talk about your feelings because it helps you get it all out and become stronger. I never saw it this way, that just always made it all worse! Why bring it up again? Because then you’re only thinking about it more and more so just leave it alone. The longer I’ve been doing this, the harder it’s getting now. All this stuff that I just left alone is still in my mind, because it was never dealt with. Just “dropped”. Now making me think about every single different thing wanting to cry about all of it, quite frequently. I think that has helped, made me a bit of a better person. Just made life a little easier, getting that part of stress off my chest.
I am passionate about Sponge Bob because I think that he’s a very bad role model for little kids. Most little kid’s are always watching Sponge Bob. I know that all of my little brothers used to and still do love Sponge Bob. One of my friends growing up wasn’t allowed to watch Sponge Bob and we all thought it was funny. After my second youngest brother was watching Sponge Bob at about age 4, he started acting like how Sponge Bob is portrayed. It’s really irritating living with him because of the way he acts. Sponge Bob shows little kids how to cheat, lie, manipulate, be selfish, be rude, bully, and that stealing is okay. Not only are kids at that age going to try all of it anyway, but it just encourages them to do everything sooner. At our ages (11&up) don’t realise the things that little kids do. For us all he things that they portrays are just every day things to us. We we see them as funny and enticing. It’s not the same for little kids and older people\kids. This is the #1 thing that I am passionate about.
to 218
from 203
I agree, I hate showing and talking about feelings. I think that it shows vulnerability and that make a target for predators. I have to go to counciling and the one thing that I hate the most is talking about my feelings. I do agree that the best way to get over stuff is to discuss but for me the thing that works best is to just for get and for give. If you're still having problems I would advise trying counciling.
to 225
from 203
I agree with you about disliking people trying to change your beliefs because they're yours not theres. If they don't like it then don't pay attention. With the abortion I would have to disagree because it's murdure the leat you could do is give it to someone inable to have a baby. some people can't but want to have babys because of cancer. The adoption could also help with the hospital bill's. No mature how early into the pregnancy it's still a baby. Maybe not fully but it could be the next president or the next greatest singer. Think about if your parents were to choose to have an abortion with the sibling that you would never know but wanted how would that feel?
#225 from 212
I agree with you. Music is a good thing to be passionate about. I also love music and that is one thing I can be passionate about as well. I lie your response.
Blogger#205, I agree with you saying how a woman should be able to get a abortion in certain situations. I would hate to see the day that a woman has to have the baby of her rape.
I agree with you. People can't run your life because it belongs to you. Don't let anyone change your thoughts. I like how you say what's on your mind. You have your own life nobody can change it.
to 216
from 213
I absolutely hate techno but you make me want to listen to it. You make it sound really good. For me what makes me feel like that is Aerosmith, Bon Jovi, The Beatles, Van Halen, Led-Zeppelin, and other good oldies, and Ramen noodles.
The feelings I possess for football are hard to describe. Football is a sport of many traits. You have to be a passionate person to play a sport like this. I guess that’s why I am such a football addict. Personally, football has had one of the biggest impacts of my life. My whole family has played at some point in time. I want to be the first person in my family to finish college, playing football all 3-4 years. My dad has believed in my ability to do that from the very first day I had that desire. Football brings out the best in me. My captain/leadership skills, physical ability and intelligence shine on the field. You are an individual playing on a team. You’re duty is to do the best you can. If everyone does the best they can, you have a championship caliber team. That’s another thing I love about this amazing sport; the teamwork. Standing side by side with not only your teammates but you’re brothers who you trust to help you out in any circumstance. I have really bettered myself because of football. I have gotten stronger, smarter, faster, and more dynamic just because I want to be the best player on that field. I might be going to a football camp for prospects in Oregon in June just because I want to prove myself. I can’t have a dream without football popping in somewhere. I live my life around football and I know I wouldn’t survive without it. Football also doesn’t leave you or hurt you like friends can. I’m not saying that football is my only friend but it’s the best friend anyone could have. I consider myself a lucky human-being because I am blessed with the ability to play such a magnificent sport. My life would be completely different without it.
I am passionate about many things but most of all, music. Music consumes a huge part in my life. Without it I would be sad. Music makes me happy when I’m sad. Music changes my emotions drastically. I do not enjoy certain types of music like rap and hip hop. I like more alternative types of music. When I need to calm down I will just grab my iPod and listen to some music. Music inspires me in so many ways. It’s one of the most important things in my life. Although there are other things that I’m passionate about, music is most likely the greatest.
I agree with you all the way! Getting your socks wet is the worst!
Reading is something I’m extremely passionate about. Everyone always acts like its so boring and unimportant. Reading is a way to open your imagination. Creating characters and settings in your head is a lot different than seeing it on a screen. In books the plot is usually more thought out than in movies. Books are more detailed and and longer. Have you ever read a book that they made a movie out of and then been really let down because the book was so much better? Movies have to cut out important scenes or characters because they don’t have enough money or its too long. Authors’ spend months and years thinking through every part of a book. Directors spend a few months maybe a year at most, and all that time is mainly used trying to get the actors to do what they’re supposed to. Honestly, try going to the library and picking up a book before you turn on the T.V., or go to a movie theater.
The thing that makes me most passionate is reading. I love to read, and can read almost everything. I can read for hours with out getting restless and bored. Even though I enjoy all books, I prefer to read fantasy books where the creatures are imaginary, it makes the story a lot more exciting. I believe in God, even if I don’t go to church. I used to go to church, but I stopped, so I still believe. I believe that people should get to choose their own religion. If they want to be Christian, let them be Christian. I am also very passionate about music. Music is my life, and without it, I might go crazy. I like to play, and listen to music, mostly rock though. I have a lot of things that I am passionate about, but the most would probably be reading.
218. 205.. I completely agree. Other people care way too much about others choices and decisions. I don't even see why anyone cares. It's really stupid. I like the way you discussed you disliking people trying to change your beliefs by using the example of abortions. I feel the same way.
#228 from212
I agree that teachers don't get much respect. Teachers do deserve respect but they shouldn't automatically get respect. I understand we should be nice to them but some teachers are disrespectful to us too.
202, I completely agree with you. I hate people who abuse animals, they are evil. If there was no animal abuse, there would be a lot less rabid animal attacks resulting in the animal being put down. The animals just want to be loved, or be left alone.
225 to 203
I think that you mistaked my comment for 205 I hate abortion and I think it should be illegal.
218. 203, I've been getting that a lot lately. Even some of my friends think I should go see a counselor, but I don't know. I'm really not into that, I'm more of a person like you said to forgive and forget.
to # 212 from 220
I agree with you. People shouldn't make fun of other people for what they cant control. But what really gets me is people that bully people but don't feel bad about it then they see someone else bullied then have so much care. Or people that bully then say they don't. Thats just wrong.
to 228
from 213
I kind of feel the same way but not all the way. I understand that teachers are important and get little respect, but when they're out of line then well you know what I'm getting at.
To 203
From 202
I use to watch Spongebob all the time when I was little. I can understand how you feel with what he is teaching. Little kids don't need that show. They should be outside playing not inside staring at the TV.
I am passionate about so many different things. Mainly I am passionate about music, music is my life I have no idea what I woul do with out it. Everyday as soon as I come home from school I listen to my ipod. Music is a way for me to express how I feel about many things. Second I am passionate about cosmotology and fashion. I have always had interest in it, my mom and grandma are cosmotologists. Fashion is very fun to colaborate with. I have a very funky weird style but thats what makes everything so unique. Lastly, I am passionate about Nike shoes. I have been wearing Nike ever since I was a baby. My dad used to work at the nike store and would bring some home. I love them so much, I always find a way to make them fashionable. Mainly every outfit I design for me to wear has Nike shoes involved. I am open to many other things, music, fashio, and Nike are just my life. I have no idea how I would make it without any of these things.
Dear #205
I agree with you, because I also think that abortion is okay in some circumstances. If a girl was raped, and was pregnant, she should be able to get an abortion. Also incest related pregnancies, the baby could have something wrong with it’s brain.
Blogger#202, I agree with your statement about animal abuse, but I have one thing to say. In the commercials that you see on TV where it talks about a hungry child, or a abused animal, they all do one thing. They ask for money, and nothing else. It makes people sympathetic, but that`s all. soon they just forget about it, and that`s that.
220, I agree. Since I am an avid fisherman, I believe that our lakes and rivers should be clean so fish don't get sick. I think that fishing is a great activity and every one should try it since it is really fun, but people must start respecting our water ways if the fishing will continue.
Dear 221,
I completely agree with you! Teens don't understand the laws as well as adults. If they did make it a law that you had to have a 3.0 or up the U.S. would look really good compared to other countries. If teens had to work for their right to drive the roads might be safer and more sacred to teens.
Animal abuse is terrible and I'm glad you chose to talk about this topic for your blog. I agree with you that when the animal abuse commercial comes on I have to change the channel.
I am passionate about getting good grades. If i get good grades I could go to a good college and get a good job. When I don’t do my homework I feel really bad because it is going to hurt my grade. I hate when people call you a nerd when you get good grades. I would rather be a nerd than stupid and think I am cool with bad grades. The kids who want to play sports in high school have to have good grades to be on the team.
To 212
From 202
I agree with you 100%. Nobody can control how tall they are going to be. I also dislike when someone can't afford those new shoes or a new Ipod, it's not right when people make fun of you for what you have. I would be just fine with all the things I have and nobody can change that.
to 225
from 203
I agree that abortion should be illegal because someone else want's a baby in the world.
218. 219, I love the way you worded your passion for football. You have great word choice and explained your love for the game outstandingly. I wish you the best of luck with your football camp. I'm sure you'll do amazing, seeing as all the love you have for football.
218. 219, I love the way you worded your passion for football. You have great word choice and explained your love for the game outstandingly. I wish you the best of luck with your football camp. I'm sure you'll do amazing, seeing as all the love you have for football.
I completely agree with you. Lately, I’ve been stressing out and music is the one thing I can turn to to make all those little problems go away. I listen to all types of music because each type of music can possess a different feeling. Music helps turn my mood from good to bad too. Music is, in my opinion, one of the most powerful voices in the world. Great post. Do you play any instruments?
I so get what you are saying. I hate it when people pick on other people for something they cant control.
#220 from 212
Thanks for the reply. Yeah I dont get either why people feel good after they bully someone. I guess they are not happy with themselves so they hurt others.
#220 from 212
Thanks for the reply. Yeah I dont get either why people feel good after they bully someone. I guess they are not happy with themselves so they hurt others.
218. 215, Same here! Music changes life for so many people! Whenever your down, unhappy, upset.. It just seems to be the thing that can always bring you up when nothing else. Really great passion, that's one of mine as well.
to # 214 from 220
I agree books always are better. I don't read much but for reading logs and the novels in this class. But the movies I seen made from books never are the same.
One of the things I am mostly passionate about is music! I love music, it is everything to me. The thing that gets me really mad though is the music that is playing recently. I think some of the music that has been made these past years is a shame! There is just some songs that have no point at all. Personally I don’t get the point of “Techno.” I know a lot of people love Techno, and I completely respect that! If you think about it there is really no meaning to it or anything! It’s just sounds and weird voice effects! I think music shouldn’t be about cool sounds or anything like that! I think music and songs should have a meaning to it! I mean there is really good songs that aren’t rap or hip hop or techno! A lot of people just expect you to listen to the music that is “in”! That is one of the other things that make me extremely furious! Finally the last thing that bugs me is that now a days everyone wants to be in the music industry. I mean it’s awesome to be involved in music, but if it’s not your talent, why do it? A lot of actors and actresses want to sing now, an it gets me mad, because some of them can’t even sing at all.! That’s just my opinion though, you might have a different one!
Dear #203
I agree with you on how Spongebob is corrupting most little kid’s minds. My brother watches him all the time and acts like him. It is irritating, and very bad for the young minds.
@ 228 202 223 218
I'm so glad you guys see my point. I just hate it when people try to change my thoughts.
@ 203
I like how you chose to write about something that isn't the most important thing in the world. Good post.
to 202
from 203
And parents don't help by saying "oh its just there age" as they sit there in front of the tv. And they should be outside playing and making friends.
Dear 205,
I completely disagree with you! Is it the baby's fault that it was a child of rape? Millions of women cant have children and you have other women just throwing them away. If they get pregnant they should give the child up for adoption. What most people don't know is the physical and emotional pain a woman goes through after having an abortion. More often then not, women regret having the abortion in the first place.
218. 225, Even though you may hate abortions.. You can't say something like that on here. Other people may, as already shown, feel otherwise and you need to be respectful of that.
I agree i think teachers deserve all of our respect, they take time out of their day to come and teach. Some kids take advantage of that, they dont listen and could care less about what they are learning.
I am super passionate about people getting made fun of, for something totally irrelevant to who they really are. I can’t stand it when people are judged by their hair, clothes, size. It makes my skin crawl, but what really gets me is stereotyping. When someone makes fun of someone based on a sterotype. By using the words “fag” and “gay”. I just don’t understand. Why would you call someone “gay” or “retarded” when you are implying that they’re stupid. Another thing is when people call themselves normal. How can we all be normal, when we are all completely different. Why dose it matter if your “normal”. In my opinion normal should be taken out of the dictionary because it dose not really exist. My blood starts to boil when i hear those words. Normal, gay. When I hear people killing themselves because they can’t be who they are. What? Crazy right.
To 221
From 202
I agree with you. I like your idea about having a 3.0 g.p.a if you want to drive because not only will it help the driving it will also help the schools. If teens have that goal all of the grades are sure to go up because every teen would like to drive.
Blogger#212, I agree with how you say that teachers shouldn`t just get respect, but at times the students don`t even let the teacher earn that respect. Take a sub for instance, the come to the classroom, trying to teach, but the students just give them crap.
to 225
from 203
Then why would that not include a rape victim?
I am passionate about spaghetti. Spaghetti is a food that is really good. Meatballs are the best part of spaghetti. Also, spaghetti is just delicious. A drink that I think goes good with spaghetti (not on it, in a cup) is grape kool-aid. Spaghetti is awesome because you can’t just eat a little bit of it. It’s so good that you just got to keep getting more of it. Spaghetti is pretty cheap for such a yummy food. All you do is get the noodles, the sauce, and the meatballs. After that, you make it and eat the scrumptious noodles.
I agree with you that is very messed up when you get picked on for your size. I think you need to be strong about it, if the are constantly doing it tell someone who can take care of it. If you sit back and let them not do anything then they will continue to do it. Just remember to keep your head held high and dont let it get to you.
218. Sounds like we have a lot of students that like reading and listening to music. Sounds creative. Just like our class!
to 223
from 203
I'm glad you agree
Blog # 222
I hate it when you are driving with or behind someone who is going extremely slow, and then won’t let you pass. You can speed up. It’s not going to hurt you or your car if you go the speed limit. You don’t have to go over the speed limit just go the speed limit. I also hate when you try to go around the car so you can switch lanes, but when you try to get back in the lane they speed up and wont let you back over. Either go faster or let other drivers pass you. Just because you enjoy going slow or feel safer when you are, doesn’t mean other people like to go super slow.
to 205
from 203
Thanks but I think that it could be very important because of the things that little kids are learning to do
to 210
I completely agree with you I hate those words and you are absolutely right. We are all different in our own special ways.
@ 214
How could you have a child that you hate how they were conceived? Its a terrible situation and does that mean its not okay to get an abortion if your dad rapes you? That is just wrong because if you have inbred children then they have a higher chance of being special. Not only that but that messes up the kids life. Think about you now how could you live knowing your grandpa is also your dad? That is weird and terrible.
No, I do not play any instruments. I find instruments interesting though.
I disagree. Sponge bob is pretty much like every other little kid show. They do something bad, then they fix it. Make it all better, and talk about how it was wrong. I think sponge bob is great, for all ages
#226 to #228
I absolutely agree with you! Teachers don't get the respect they deserve, and it's not really fair. I also agree with you on substitutes being treated like crap! They get paid so little for the respect they get!
I know exactly how you feel. Stress for us teenagers right now seems like it’s at its all time high. The best way I deal with situations like this are by telling someone close to me what’s on my mind. 99% of the time, they will be understanding and will be able to make you feel a little better. Like so many other people on this blog, I turn to music when no one I personally know can help me. Think about the good things in life and don’t dwell on the bad. I’ve had a hard time doing that myself lately but how can I help others if I can’t even follow my own advice? Keep your head up. Everything is going to work out in the end.
To 228
From 222
I agree that we need to respect teachers, but I don't think that we should just automatically get are respect. They also need to respect us. We should be nicer to teacher then we are.
@ 214
Also not everyone regrets having abortions. Just some women do.
I totally loved the whole techno. I think your right, it dose not really have a point. I would never have thought about all the actors who are trying to sing. most of them really can't sing, at all.
225 to 203
I do include rape victims in not having abortion. They can give their kid to some else even if they were raped.
218. 206, I agree completely. People love to be joking on those getting good grades calling them nerds and all that. When it's like why would you want to be getting bad grades? Think your cool or what? Cause its not, your proving to yourself and everyone that you can't keep up with your grade level, looking dumber than everyone else.
Dear, #217
You are absolutely right. Spaghetti and grape kool-aid are awesome. Arguable the best food ever
216 tells 205:I am so with you man! It’ s annoying having people telling you things that you don’t want to do. If you want to be different, be who you want, and don’t let anyone stop you. Everyone is their own person and you can’t change a person.
216 tells 217
I am so with you! Meatballs are amazing like I don’t know how i would live without them! Not only does spaghetti and meatballs taste good, but they fill your little tummy up quick! Its amazing, like magic!
I think the money spent on N.A.S.A. should go to helping improve our nations schools. I believe education is often not valued and is instead given very little money which could be more if the government would cut their budget a little bit more on programs like N.A.S.A. I think its ridiculous for the government to try and find an alien form with the N.A.S.A. program when science hasn’t even built a space craft fast enough to find alien life in a reasonable amount of time or capable of withstanding the gravity of the many vast plants across the universe. I believe a solution to this problem is to instead let companies spend their own dollars to build enormous and expensive space shuttles that may never even come close to finding any form of alien life. A another reason why I strongly believe this is because the fact that many kidsnow may not even graduate from college to become scientists for N.A.S.A. I watched a program on CNN this year talking about how many kids are do poorly in science. I believe the government needs to put more money into education so kids can do better in science and be more successful in life and help improve our society. If we can help kids across the country to improve on their science scores we can help make our country more successful by having more children what to grow up to be successful inventors. By having more inventors we have more advances in technology to help make our nation better. We can’t improve our nation’s education system if we don’t stand together and demand the government spend more money on eduction and less (if any) on N.A.S.A. If we don’t demand a increase on the money spent on our nation’s education system we hurt the ability for our nation to continue to grow and be successful in it’s the future.
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