In The Giver, Jonas' community follows the idea of "Sameness." There is no weather, hills, animals, color, or major differences. We also learn on pg 157 that the community has also done away with music.
We spent a lot of time writing about music. Look at the questions you answered yesterday, and the pictures you drew, and answer the following questions.
1. How important is music in your life?
2. Could you imagine a world without music?
3. Who are some of your favorite singers and songs? Why are they your favorite?
4. Pick one of the 4 songs we listened to first- What story was being told? How did the song make you feel? Why? Why do you think I picked that song?
5. Which one of the songs did you like most? Why?
6. Do you have any other final comments about music or this activity?
Your job is to write at least 2 well constructed paragraphs answering all of these questions. You must also respond to at least 4 other students. If a student responds to you , I expect you to respond back.
Be respectful and thoughtful!
Music is really important in my life because it is fun to listen to. Music also entertains me when I am bored. I could not imagine a world without music because it would be the same thing everyday of your life and it would be blank in your life. My favorite band is Dethklok. My favorite song is called Duncan Hills Coffee, Thunderhorse, and Go Into The Water.
Music in my life is very important to me, music tells stories about who I am, and who I want to become. I could imagine a world without music, but it would be very blank, and depressing because many people depend on music to se there moods. My favorite singers are Maroon 5, Slipknot, Coldplay, and Blink 182. They are my favorite singers/ bands because I like there music, it puts me in different moods, like happy, or sad, or mad.
The Fray, How To Save A Life
The story I think is being told in this song is about a lose of a friend. The son made me feel extremely sad. I think the teacher picked this song because she wanted to see how we would react to it. The song i liked most was How To Save Life.
In the song How To Save A Life by The Fray it was telling us about how life shouldn’t end up being. I think you picked this song because you wanted to show us how sadness or depression feels. The song I liked the most was American Pie by Don McLean because it’s an interesting song to listen to.
Music is very important in my life because I really like it. I can imagine a world without music but it would really stink if there wasn’t any. One of my favorite songs is 21 Guns by Green Day. I like it because Green day is an amazing band.
The song How to save a life by The Fray the story line that one friend had another friend die and couldn’t save his life. The song made me feel a little sad because of the story line. I think Ms. Bruno picked the song because she liked it. My favorite song of the 4 is American Pie, I like it because it’s funny. I just have to say that I feel a little bit sorry for Jonas not being able to have music in his life.
“Without music life would be a mistake”
Music for me is very important because if I'm not doing anything like homework or something that i can concentrate on i get desperate and i have to listen to music. I can’t imagine a world without music, i think it be boring, just like in jonas’ world. Some of my favorite singers would be Jason Derulo that song in my head i really don’t know why but i just like that song, another singer i like would be t.i because first, he’s way cute hah and second, because i really like his voice especially on the song whatever you like he sounds so awesome in that song. hah
Music is very important to me because you can express you feelings through it. I couldn’t imagine a world without music there would be no character. My favorite song is by Ozzy Osbourne. Its called Iron man. Ozzy is also my favorite singer. Another one of my favorite songs is This means war. Its by Busta Rhymes.
The song I choose from the four is American Pie. I think the story was he wanted water but the place he went to was dry. So the boys were laughing at him cause they were drunk.Made me laugh. I liked American Pie. Cause it was one of my favorites already. I have no other comments.
Dear 922,
I agree! I think life without music would stink!!! I love the band Green Day, My favorite song by them is either 21 guns, or last of the American girls.
Music is very important in my life. I listen to music every day of my life. I wouldn’t be able to live without music. Music is one of the greatest things in the world. I don’t think i would live on a world without music. I would feel bad for the people that live in that world. My favorite singers are: Eminem, Tupac, Notorious Big, Lil Wayne and Slim Thug. My favorite songs of eminem’s are: Beautiful, When Im Gone, and Elevator. My Favorite songs of tupac’s are: Changes, and I Aint Mad At Cha. My favorite songs of Notorious Big’s are: Spit Your Game, and Going Back To Cali. My favorite songs of Lil Wayne’s are: American Star, Get A Life, Prom Queen, Runnin, Drop The Bomb, and On Fire. My favorite songs of Slim Thug’s are: Smile, and Thug. There my favorite because they all rap about life and the present unlike people that rap abut other things.
The song I am going to choose is: How To Save a Life. I think the story about it was talking about there ex girl friends. I think you picked this song because you like it or it mean’s something to you. I liked How To Save a Life best because it was a real life kind of song unlike the other songs teens like. I do not have any other comments.
Dear 920,
I agree that Iron Man is a good song it's really rockerish.
Although there are a lot of things that are important to me. I would have to say that music is one of the big things that I like the most because it is really great because there is a lot of kinds of music to pick from. I really couldn’t imagine the world without music because the world would not be the same. Some of my favorite song is Chicken Fry
By: The Zach Brown Band and another song would have to be Hillbilly Bone By: Blake Shelton. There my favorite songs because that the kind of music I am in to.
My favorite song from yesterday was American Pie By: Don McLean because it told a story about a lady that I think died.The song American Pie made me feel kind of sad inside. Because it made me think of my grandpa.I picked that song I think because that was the only song that I know. The song I liked the most would have to be Identity Crisis because it was like a happy song. I don’t really have any more comments about music.
To me the music is important because like if your sad you can put a different kinda mood song. I could seriously not imagine the world without music because there would be no joy in the world. My favorite singers are Lil Wayne,Trey Songz,Ludacris,Ray J,Young Money,Bow Wow,Soulja Boy and a lot more. My favorite songs are Lollipop,Say Aaah,Low,Outa My System, and Bed Rock plus way more but i don’t think they would all fit here.
The song i pick is How to Save a Life by The Fray. I think the song was saying something about a guy talking about the things he went through with his girlfriend but I'm not sure. The song made me feel kinda sad and it made me think about a lot of things. I think you picked that song so we could hear like what that person was feeling and the reasons he was feeling that. The song i liked the most was American Pie by Don McLean because it was telling a story were i think an important girl leaves. I do not have more comments about the music or this activity.
Hey #925 I agree with you because Dethlok is a awesome band and has awesome song’s.
FROM 902
I think you picked a great group.
i'm with you i don't think i would be able to live without music either.
Music is important in my life because if we didn't have it would be dole and boring. When I imagine a world with out music I picture a world that is black and white with no meaning to it. I see that cause what would you think of the world with no rhythm or beat to it. I say that because all the things we do has rhythm or beat in it. Some of my favorite singers and song are ke$ha and the song I like is tik tok. Another one is satisfaction.
I picked the Fray because I think Ms. Bruno picked this song cause I think the story was explaining how this person dies. I picked this song cause I like this song and it has a good meaning to is. I like this song cause I think the Fray is a good band and I like there songs. I think that this activity was really good cause I thought it was fun and you really had to think about it.
Hay 945 you are right how would people live like that. from 950
Music is really important to me because when every time i was sad i just listen to music to calm myself. I could not a imagine a world without music. Music is very helpful because it can calm yourself down when you were mad and also it help your brain to relax. When every time i was bored i also listen to music. One of my favorite singer is T.I. The song i like from him is Dead And Gone. I like this song because it has a nice sounds and is a fast song.
One of the four song that i like is How To Save A Life. This song maybe talking about how to save a life. This song makes feel happy and also sometime make me laugh because the beat and sounds kind of funny. I pick this song because i like a line that say have i known how to save a life and this song make me happy. The song that i like the most is the American Pie. I like this song because this song sounds happy and have sounds cool. NO, i don’t have any comment about music.
Dear 927,
I have never heard the song Last of the American girls.
Hey #902 I agree with you because American Pie is a great song.
913 I agree with you cause there would be no joy in the world.
from 950
Music is very important to me because its like to mane thing that a teen ager does and needs these days. Some music you can relate to by what you are going through in your life. No I could not imagine a world with out music. our world would be so boring. I mean you couldn't go down the street jamming in or out of your car. And kids couldn’t bump there music in there rooms. Some of my favorite singes are Selena Quintanilla. Another singer would be the dream,mc magic,and others I cant think of right now.I like them because they have music that i can relate to and I just love there songs
The song that i pic is the fray “how to save a life”. the story i think is being told is that he lost a friends and doesn’t no were he went wrong and thats what I think what went wrong. I think ms. bruno picked this song because i think almost all of us know this song. So we could relate to it. The song I like the most would be “how to save a life” by the fray because i like the song. Its a very good song because I could relate to it because I had a fought with a friend one time. Its pretty catchy. All i have to say about the hole music is that it is so assume and I love it a lot
Music is really important to me because when every time i was sad i just listen to music to calm myself. I could not a imagine a world without music. Music is very helpful because it can calm yourself down when you were mad and also it help your brain to relax. When every time i was bored i also listen to music. One of my favorite singer is T.I. The song i like from him is Dead And Gone. I like this song because it has a nice sounds and is a fast song.
One of the four song that i like is How To Save A Life. This song maybe talking about how to save a life. This song makes feel happy and also sometime make me laugh because the beat and sounds kind of funny. I pick this song because i like a line that say have i known how to save a life and this song make me happy. The song that i like the most is the American Pie. I like this song because this song sounds happy and have sounds cool. NO, i don’t have any comment about that.
Hey #920 I also think iron man is a awesome song
910 to 225 i think that music is fun to listen to
925 your probable right what the meaning of the song is
930 i agree with you because music is cool.
Dear: 927
From: 913
I agree with you The Fray does talk about losing a friend. And i think that would be very bad especially when it's a person you have known from a long time and you know you can trust them.:{
930it true that music is fun.
Dear 902,
Thank you
913music is really important so that is right.
Hey #950 I totally agree with you that the fray is a great band.
Dear 920 I agree that Iron Man is a good song. I like the Ozzy Osbourne a lot.
Hey #927 music is also important to me
920 music its a important things so you are right.
Dear 945,
Why is music important to you??
Dear 913,
Have you ever lost a friend, someone close to your heart, or even a person you trust????
I no 950 i wouldn’t be able to live with out music.
Thanks all the other songs were kind of weird.
Music is really important to me because I like to listen to it. I really could not imagine a world without music. Most of the day when I am bored I listen to music. Listening to music is one of my favorite things to do. My most favorite singer is Lil Wayne. The song i like by him is We Be Steady Mobbin. I like this song because it has a cool beat and the lyrics are amazing.
The song that I liked the most was the American Pie one. The story that i think it told was a story of how a friend died. I picked that song because the beat was good. This song made me feel happy.
Dear #908,
I think that Selena Quintanilla is a good singer. It was sad when she died.
Dear 927 I agree that the world would blank without music.
from #908
Hey 913 I really like your choices for your favorite songs.What do you mean when you say what the American pie story of the song what do you think the story is.
Dear: 908
From: 913
I agree with you our world would be very boring with out the music and also some people do relate to the song when they are sad and they need some joy in their life. :)
hey 930 i also agree music is cool. Music is cool because it gives life a rhythm and a beat. With out music life would be blank.
910 to 908 i do think many people do relate to the music i do some reminds me of happy and some reminds me of happy
Dear 908,
Yeah, that's true, teenagers mainly only listen to music with there spare time.
I agree with you because life would be boring and dole in everyone’s life. I would hate it if there was no music in the world.
hey 927 music is important to me because without music my life would be pointless. If there is no music in your life everyone will think your weird and dislike you.
910- Music is so important in my life I lesion to it when Im coming to school and on long car rides. I also know a lot of words to a lot of songs. I could not imagine a world with out music because I like to lesion to it when Im working on home work it helps me keep focussed. some of my favorite music is all of it but mainly rock. My favorite artiest are ACDC metallic,the fray. They are my favorite artiest because I like the songs that they sing.
The story behind the song how to save a life by the fray i think is about a woman breaking up with a guy. this song made me fill kinda sad. I think ms bruno chose this song because she likes it. I like this song the best because i like the fray. No i do not .
from 920
to everybody
without music there wouldn't be any dancing.
910- Music is so important in my life I lesion to it when Im coming to school and on long car rides. I also know a lot of words to a lot of songs. I could not imagine a world with out music because I like to lesion to it when Im working on home work it helps me keep focussed. some of my favorite music is all of it but mainly rock. My favorite artiest are ACDC metallic,the fray. They are my favorite artiest because I like the songs that they sing.
The story behind the song how to save a life by the fray i think is about a woman breaking up with a guy. this song made me fill kinda sad. I think ms bruno chose this song because she likes it. I like this song the best because i like the fray. No i do not .
From 930
I agree with you because The Fray is talking about lost a friend and can't save his life. So that is what this song really talk about.
Dear 925,
Yes, the world would be blank, well I mean that's my own personal opinion, but I think music brings light to the world.
Dear 913
from 905
i totally like the singers that you listed. All the songs that you listed are very good songs.
Hey i was wondering because you said that when you were sad you listen to music to calm down don't you mean it made you happy after you listen to music?
dear #922 from #908
I know if you have seen the movie at the end I beet you would cry its very sad.:(
Dear 945,
What if you cant listen to music? do you think you would still be considered "weird"?
dear 913 from 908
Hey what would you do if there was no right now. I know i would go crazy:{
Dear 930,
Yeah, have you ever lost a friend??
I can imagine how you feel if this world without music . It also would be boring everyday. So i agree with you.
To: Everyone
IF there was NO music no one would know what to do.
You are right there would not be dancing.
i agree with you because music is the joy of this world. And plus there is a lot of different songs for whatever mood your on. i like what you said good job.
Also, i like all the songs you like especially say ahh i love that song.... hah
To everybody
Without music in the world there would be no feelings in the world. Everyone would do the same thing everyday with boring faces on everybody. This is just my opinion.
Dear: 927
Yes i have lost a friend. That person was really important to me i could trust him you know i told him everything and he would always listen to me but one day we got in a big fight and we stopped being friends and it hurt me really bad because he was always there for me. :(
Your so right if there was no music that there would not be dances. YOU ARE RIGHT.
hey 927 I think it would be weird for someone to choose not to listen to music. If it was against there religion or something then they don’t have a choice to not listen to music. So therefore its not there fault they can’t listen to any music.
I have question for you. How is music fun to you. One thing i agree with you is everyone need music.
i agree with you music is also very important to me. Also, i agree with you because without music the world really wouldn't be the same.
I think you are right because if this world don't music and could imagine a picture like black and white. That will also pretty boring.
910 to 920 ya there would be no dancing and there would be no singing.
TO 940
Thank you it is true....
FROM 902
Dear 913,
Why did you guys fight? And why didn't you two just become friends again? I'm sure it hurt your friend also.
Dear: 905
From: 913
I also like listening to music when I'm bored or i just don't have anything else to do. :)
Music is fun to me because I like how it expresses feelings. It makes me picture a world about what there singing about.
to everybody
from 920
if there was no music/dance/sing would there be color?
Dear 930
from 905
i am glad that you have my point of view.
Dear 945,
But what IF they choose not to listen to music? Maybe they never heard music before, and don't want to experience the joy of music?
dear 945
from 908
I am like you I have to listen to music every day.Its true i think all kids wouldn't be alive without music.and hey Eminem is cool.Oh and tupac the the best i loved him to bad hes gone:(
dear 930,
music is really important to me too because like you said it helps you calm yourself good job for saying that that is so true..
Music is very important to me because it just a time to relax and get away from all the stressful things in or around you life. I could not imagine the world without music at all, if there wasn’t any music in the world it would be very boring. Some music makes you sad, mad, happy, and all these other feelings. My favorite singer (rapper) is Lil Wayne Slipknot and the N3w Boyz. These are my favorite artist because they make music for every emotion your feeling.
In the Fray song How To Save A Life, the story that was being told was that this couple were in a fight. The song made me appreciate all the things i have in life. You picked this song because it had emotion and in The Giver there is n emotion or feelings is songs or just has a community. I would have to say that Fray How To Save A Life its such a relaxing song that just puts a smile on your face. This activity really changed the perspective on how things are treated or on how people treat each other.
Dear: 930
From: 913
I also like that song by T.I. ft Justin Timberlake that's a really cool song. :)
Dear: 940
From: 913
Thank you, and yeah i also LOVE that song "Say Aah"
I 923 think life would be a disaster without music. Music is art life is the beat of a heart. Life without music is shade because there is no texture. But life now with some music is anger,happiness,sad. There is a hole without some music.
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