In The Giver, Jonas' community follows the idea of "Sameness." There is no weather, hills, animals, color, or major differences. We also learn on pg 157 that the community has also done away with music.
We spent a lot of time writing about music. Look at the questions you answered yesterday, and the pictures you drew, and answer the following questions.
1. How important is music in your life?
2. Could you imagine a world without music?
3. Who are some of your favorite singers and songs? Why are they your favorite?
4. Pick one of the 4 songs we listened to first- What story was being told? How did the song make you feel? Why? Why do you think I picked that song?
5. Which one of the songs did you like most? Why?
6. Do you have any other final comments about music or this activity?
Your job is to write at least 2 well constructed paragraphs answering all of these questions. You must also respond to at least 4 other students. If a student responds to you , I expect you to respond back.
Be respectful and thoughtful!